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merger letter
In my dream I get an official looking letter in the mail and open it. It states: This letter is to inform you that your American-1 account has been taken over by Universal Management, Inc. Currently, all duplicate and third level accounts are being terminated. If your account begins with a red X, you will be effected. Accounts beginning with a blue R will be fully merged and those with a yellow S will be transfered one level at this time. Please see the bottom of this notice for your account number.
I looked at the bottom and it had: Your account number is___________. I looked at it again and started to get angry because they didn't type my number on it. I started to yell, "what is my F'ing number?"
I ran into my living room and saw my wife and mother-in-law sitting on the couch with letters in their hands. My wife looked at me and said that she got a strange letter written in Spanish that she couldn't understand. She then pointed to her mother and said that her's was in Chinese.

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