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Cloudy computing
I dreamed I had just awakened and got up at 'o-dark-hundred' as I do every day and gone to my computer to start it up. I refreshed my screens as I do checked Urban Survival to see if the new posting was up and then clicked on 'new tab' to look something up (I don't remember what I was about to look up exactly. It had to do with the headlines relating to the coming 'whatever is coming') The new tab came up. Then clouds and mist drifting across that screen began to form. In the dream I said the words cloud computing out loud. (cloud computing is a term I am familiar with only because my husband is a computer scientist and that is his field) Evidently, I said the words cloud computing out loud, as it woke my husband up and he said, what about it? This woke me up. It was 2:22am I related the dream to him. He said interesting. I am a person who knows what dreams are important and what's just surreal brain activity. I told him. I hate to be Richard Dreyfus building the mash potato mountain, but 'This Means Something'. What it means I don't know.

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