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Another Tsunami Dream
Early morning Sept 14, 2011. I was on a beach with a group of people and we could see the tsunami coming. We ran up a hard packed dune of about 10 to 15 feet and into a partially completedapartment or condo complex. Most of the buildings looked abandoned, but there were a couple buildings that each had a woman working inside that we could see through the windows. The women wouldn't let us in (I don't know if they were aware of the tsunami or not). The next building was smaller but unlocked so we ran in. The building was not completed and it was one big room inside (about 30 feet square). When the tsunami hit it lifted the building so we were floating. When I looked out it appeared that our building and several others had been built on some sort of raft and were all floating together. My viewpoint changed so I was looking down on the scene from high above. It was a large bay with many large ships and a few buildings floating in it. Iwas too high up totell which building was the one I had been on.

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