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Teleporting From a Minneapolis Bar
Had a wild dream last night. I dreamed I was in an urban part of Minneapolis, seemed to be a bar or cafe in the mid morning time frame near the Metrodome area. I was wearing a t-shirt, two more football type jersey shirts over that, and then a brown pullover wool sweater.

I was sitting behind this man who went into this telly-evangelist histrionics about being saved and judgement of God, he was wheezying and gasping about "gawd" and I remember being so disgusted at how this man was scaring this woman, who was a bit of a party girl. He was making her feel lower than a worm and making God out to be this monster who demanded vengeance.

I got so upset about it, I instantaneously "popped" outside of the building like that kid in the movie Jumpers. My body was all there and traffic was going by. However it was I teleported physical location.I was stunned at where I ended up, I did it so fast that I left my shirts in the bar.

I jumped position without all my clothes. I was outside shivering in downtown Minneapolis because I had no top on. I'm a guy so it wasn't so much embarrassing as it was cold. Minneapolis is windy and cold in the winter.

I went back into this bar, to get my shirts and sweater, and this guy was totally freaked to see me walking back in, and he started saying I was of the devil etc, which I just said "oh please... give me a break..." and left. His narrow mindedness was just unbelievable. I remember walking around wondering how I did that disappearing act and whether I could do it again. I thought what a cool thing! It was a sudden and unexpected as a sneeze.

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