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Boy Resurrected!
I was standing by the side of the road and I saw a white cross with a cave next to it. I knew that it was a tomb, so I went in to pay my respects to the dead. Inside the cave I saw the grave at the rear which had photos and offerings etc around it. It was quite a small grave, obviously the grave of a child. A I watched, the child rose up through the grave and stood there in the cave. I was amazed by this! The child was fit and well and was a flesh and blood human, not a ghost! He was a Boy of about 8-10 years old and had Spanish features, olive skin and black hair. I exclaimed, "Get Back into Your Grave, in Jesus' Name!", to which he replied, "I am never going back to my Grave, not now nor ever!" However, when I said this, a youinger version of the Boy, about 4 years old, split off from him and went back to the Grave. This younger version looked like the boy except that he was grey-green-brown in colour, like the colour of death.
Just then, the Boy's family arrived to tend the grave. There were numerous adults and even more children. The children were the Boy's brothers, sisters and cousins and he immediately began playing with them. The children could see him and were all very happy that he was alive. However, none of the adults could see him. I had an inner knowing that they were hypnotised ny their grief, this is why they could not see him. The Boy went home with his family and his siblings and cousins promised that they would look after him.

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