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Total CEO
I dreamed myself and a friend/close family member were flying (astroplane) into an airport. It was industrial around it, but not new industry, more like cargo and storage around the airport.
I got scolded for flying in the wrong way because it had not been approved by the tower and was not a flight path. Once we got there I had to submit my pilot papers to be able to fly a cargo plane a man that was rotund with a white mustache had gotten for me to use. I was familiar with him. He as a grandfather or uncle, but it felt more like grandfather. He was proud of me. I was a young blonde woman in her med twenties and the other woman with me was a brunette about the same age. we were related either sisters or cousins.
There were some questions about my documents because of the path I flew in but I had 6000 flying hours so my Grandfather told me not to worry about it. He also had influence and people were accommodating because of his influence.
He said he was staying behind because he had business to take care of and he knew we could pick up the cargo and bring it back. We were flying south across a large continent to a southern island. They took us to the plane we were to use and we went inside. The plane was luxurious in the front behind the cabin, but it hadn't been used in along time. There were cobwebs on the seats on the lounge area.
There was a river by the airport as well and electrical lines crossed the river at different points. This was bothersome but I felt I could maneuver the plane throughout them. We took off and started to climb, there seemed to be a problem with the plane and I turned it around and came back in. Once I landed there was a heavyset woman there along with some airport officials. She told me she was a Cabinet Member of the county we were in and had to interrupt what she was doing to come there because of what happened. After going through conversation with her and the airport officials they said it was just as well I had turned around because the weather was bad where I was going and I wouldn't have made it.
I woke up and remembered the dream vividly, still do after a week. The thing that stood out to me was the old man, grandfather./uncle. I kept trying to figure out how he was in my dream. I hadn't seen anyone or know anyone that fit that description. I went about my morning started reading the news. Then I saw the CEO of TOTAL was killed in a plane accident taxiing the runway leaving Moscow. He was the man in my dream.

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