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natural disaster
after the japan earthquake I asked for dreams about upcoming earthquakes so I could hopefully warn someone. I began to have a series of connected visions regarding earth disasters. what I have received since then seems to be a chain of events. as of now I have not received any date for the chain to begin but I will list them with details here and maybe other will have insight to add.
now this first one I believe is the first of the chain of destruction because of its details. I was observing from a point above earth. I saw the earth begin to melt near Yellowstone park. I saw something fall from the sky into Yellowstone. when it hit the ground planes fell out of the sky. then everything went black and I saw a starting gate with runners like the Olympics and heard the starting gun.
the next one I saw hit Tashan, iran. when I woke I looked up this place to make sure it was a real place. yes and there is a nuclear facility right by it.
the next hit kuang, Malaysia. again I looked this up. it is slightly north of kuala lampur in a highly active eq/volcano region.
next I saw 2 at almost the same time along the Aleutian island chain closer to the Russian side. 1 of these was 10+ and the other 9+.
after that one I saw a giant wall of water cover multi-story buildings along a coastal residential area, but I do not know where those homes were.
finally I saw an earthquake hit Oregon not far inland but affecting the whole state and some surrounding area.
Thanks for the incubation, Still!

For what it's worth, it seems like there is a heavy emphasis on coastal regions. Towns and islands named CAPE seem to congregate around coastlines, and CAPE was implicated in today's run:

Also, your comment, " when it hit the ground planes fell out of the sky..." is almost verbatim today's run, as PLANE was a mini-meme, along with the bigger meme of DEATH.

Also, your dream reminds me of lingo "saw park went wild." That was on 4/16/15, linked here

Wow, we've got some amazing overlaps, Still. As you probably already know, dreams by themselves can predict future events, and linguistics by themselves can predict events, too. But when dreams and lingo overlap, LOOK OUT!
Still, this thread just dated yesterday, short thread about a new dream of 9.0 in Alaska sure does resonate with what you got, and one of the few folks that reply on this thread had a dream of 10.mag also, Alaska I think.

(04-18-2015, 08:52 AM)still Wrote: after the japan earthquake I asked for dreams about upcoming earthquakes so I could hopefully warn someone. I began to have a series of connected visions regarding earth disasters. what I have received since then seems to be a chain of events. as of now I have not received any date for the chain to begin but I will list them with details here and maybe other will have insight to add.
now this first one I believe is the first of the chain of destruction because of its details. I was observing from a point above earth. I saw the earth begin to melt near Yellowstone park. I saw something fall from the sky into Yellowstone. when it hit the ground planes fell out of the sky. then everything went black and I saw a starting gate with runners like the Olympics and heard the starting gun.
the next one I saw hit Tashan, iran. when I woke I looked up this place to make sure it was a real place. yes and there is a nuclear facility right by it.
the next hit kuang, Malaysia. again I looked this up. it is slightly north of kuala lampur in a highly active eq/volcano region.
next I saw 2 at almost the same time along the Aleutian island chain closer to the Russian side. 1 of these was 10+ and the other 9+.
after that one I saw a giant wall of water cover multi-story buildings along a coastal residential area, but I do not know where those homes were.
finally I saw an earthquake hit Oregon not far inland but affecting the whole state and some surrounding area.
yes it does! because that person said it happened "off Alaska". thanks for showing me that.
You're very welcome. It's a place I enjoy following, having a few I think are worth following and then a few folks that wonder-wisely, and then of course the comedy of others, unintended as they may be. Wink
eagle1, im new to the concept of your dream linguistics and when i look at the dreambot runs im a bit confused, but the more of them i read im sure i'll get the hang of it. after your reply i looked at the listsyou mentioned and i do see very clearly that the collective dreamer seems to have dreamt, at least in part, exactly what i saw. very intriguing!
Yes, and when we DreamForecasters see overlaps between actual dream content (such as your dream) and the dream linguistics, that holds much more precognitive probabilities than just a dream by itself or the linguistics by itself.  As for explaining the dreambot, well, that would take a lot of work.

Try looking through this list: just to get an idea for what the bot can do/predict and a little context about how we use it.

Don't get too frustrated if nothing in that list makes sense. It takes time to catch up. We've been at this for only a year, but we've gained a LOT of ground in terms of understanding what the bot can and can't do. But there's a lot more learning to go!
thanks eagle1! great info. that helps a ton!

Big Grin

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