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The Bright Flash
I was at some type of institution in Baltimore and it was a cross between a school and a business complex. Above me was a flash of light, brighter than anything I had ever seen. So bright that all objects in front of me turned white for a few brief moments like I was experiencing snow blindness. People around me where asking me what had happened. I told them it could have been a nuke, EMP or maybe an asteroid, but that was not clear to the cause of the light. I ordered everyone with me indoors immediately and we all went inside. Once inside we locked it down and I order no one in or out of the structure. The building had windows like a school and people who now resembled night of the living dead zombies where coming to the windows and want to be let in but they were week and could not force themselves in. Those with whom I was with wanted to let them in but I ordered them not to. As I watched these people outside a gray ash was falling from the skies like the ash from Mt. St. Helens. While watching the ash fall I began to believe it was some type of asteroid event maybe the beginning of the three days of darkness. I instructed everyone that if we opened the doors the contamination would enter thus cross-contaminating everything and possibly injuring and killing us.

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