06-19-2010, 04:42 AM
This dream is from last night. I was driving on adivided highway with two lanes in the direction I was going, but the lanes were the opposite of the way they're set up in the US (low speed lane on the left instead of the right). I'm not sure if the drivers seat was on the right or left in the car I was driving, but probably on the right given what I was seeing. I was driving in the low speed (left) lane and saw two bicycles in the lane ahead of me with a car in front of them. I checked my blind spot to see if I could merge into the high speed (right) lane to get around them, but no luck. I looked in front of me again and the bicycles were gone, no sign of them at all, but the car was still there. It was an older sedan, probably from some time in the 70's (big and boxy with square corners, I don't know much about cars so I can't tell you the exact model or year). I cut to my left into the breakdown lane (after double checking to make sure the bicycles weren't there) to avoid the sedan and slowed down. As I went by I could see why it was stopped (or just going very slowly, I'm not sure). There were body parts on the pavement behind it. I could see a head with part of the spinal cord attached and some arms and legs. It looked like the car had run over some of them, there were longsmears on the pavement. My impression was that the body parts were from people of African descent, but it could be that they were burned/charred. I had the impression that there was much more stopped traffic and carnage ahead, but I woke up before I could see what caused it. Not much emotion attached to this dream -as if this was something fairly commonplace.