09-29-2011, 06:39 PM
I am not a rabid environmentalist but I don't like the way we foul our own nest. Still, I have never had a dream about pollution. Also, I haven't dreamt of big waves since the Japanese tsunami. A few days ago, I had a dream where giant waves were picking up big ships (freighters and oil tankers) and smashing them on the shoreline. I looked out to sea and saw an oil tanker offshore that had ruptured and a large amount of oil was all around it in the water. Then I heard a voice -- I'm not sure where it came from -- which said "The earth is tired of what you are doing to it," or words to that effect. Then, I became a huge giant. I picked up a large ship by one end and began smashing it against another ship. The voice and then becoming the giant was really unusual in my dream history.