05-04-2014, 10:54 PM
PA Dream May 4, 2014; 4:52 AM (CST) before I read the PA Report 1.
I was watching a hand that had pounded a red peg on a well worn wood Pound A Peg toy, the only colour being the hand and the toy (positioned at an angle) that were just floating against a white background. The peg had been pounded from the underside and didn't come all the way out. Written on the top side of the peg was '9.1%'. There was a % written on each one; one other being 11%. Along with the vision there were thought prompts of 'loan game', 'Easter or Christmas' (in that order), and the word 'prime'. Emotion: Oh, sh*t!!
I was watching a hand that had pounded a red peg on a well worn wood Pound A Peg toy, the only colour being the hand and the toy (positioned at an angle) that were just floating against a white background. The peg had been pounded from the underside and didn't come all the way out. Written on the top side of the peg was '9.1%'. There was a % written on each one; one other being 11%. Along with the vision there were thought prompts of 'loan game', 'Easter or Christmas' (in that order), and the word 'prime'. Emotion: Oh, sh*t!!