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The "Changing Season"
Early AM, September 10/2014
My intention was to view headlines or witness headline making events in the area of religious upheaval or spiritual enlightenment that would occur in the remaining days of September. As usual lately, the incubated dream was disjointed and highly metaphoric. There was obviously some waking residue as seen in the date that was presented within the dream. I've been away from most news and media for the past several days but the "9/11" connotation has become deeply ingrained in our modern culture.
I'm heading home, on foot. I had bought a saw of some kind and it was going to be delivered later that day. I stopped at the house at the bottom of the road and was speaking to a blonde neighbor there about the "changing season". While I was there, an old beat up, small truck stopped next to us and they asked where they were. The said they were travelling north. I told them that the direction they were going was south. They said the town they had come from and I told them that yes, that town is north of the valley, the mountain they are coming up here is to the south of the valley and they were heading south on this road. They laughed at me a little, nodded in a condescending way with a smile and said ooooh, you are talking the old way from before the change. Now this is north and that is south. I said oh, okay, and asked them to forgive my old ways. I asked them where they were going and they told me they were delivering a special cutting saw to the house up on the mountain. I was happy then and told them "oh, it is me you are looking for! It's my saw and you are looking for my house!" The driver of the truck told me "

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