05-30-2015, 11:16 AM
05/30/2015 AM
No intent; but I did know about the TEST to see if we could dream something about the NDC or its Bot runs.
Mood: calm
I was at my desk typing up a message to someone; I will not reveal the name.
I was writing some thoughts concerning the NDC and the recent excitement about the newest experiments we were conducting. I had typed up a full page of my concerns and what I was seeing occur when we discussed the Deambot runs.
It had seemed to be a case that many people were dreaming the same words but denying that they were affected by their daily lives (day residue) and even dismissing the possibility of ordinary life having an opportunity to affect them since they did not read, listen to or watch anything that could possibly influence their dreams.
I warned of the possibility of some to use the dreams to achieve “Stardom”, as I could see some “copycat” behavior occurring and the reward centers of our brains were being stroked on a daily basis. Of course I had a “me too” urge to deal with as just reading the post made me feel I was “missing out” and feeling left out of the conversations.
I sat for a moment wondering if I was just trying to be helpful or just becoming a member of the “That’s just crazy talk” group.
I then had the thought that it does not matter because, I am dead anyway! Seems that when I make postings that the next day when I try to reread my post it has disappeared. It does not matter if it is on Facebook, a news site, on a cooking site or the Dream Forum they all are gone the next time I want to read them and the only explanation to me was that I am a ghost that writes post but that by being a ghost I could not really participate in on-line life any more. Then I had the thought that I am not a ghost, I have at some point “Jumped timelines” and that my former post were no longer valid so they just disappeared. That is when I had the “Now that is crazy talk!” thought.
I went back to writing my message. At the end of the page I wondered why I felt the need to point out all the things I had commented about when a voice said, “Life is connected in so many ways that messages are ubiquitous and everyone has that influencing them constantly whether they know it or not.”
I woke up wondering what ubiquitous meant and how on earth do I spell it. I had to look it up.
Definition of UBIQUITOUS: existing or being everywhere at the same time : constantly encountered : widespread <a ubiquitous fashion>— ubiq•ui•tous•ly adverb — ubiq•ui•tous•ness noun
No intent; but I did know about the TEST to see if we could dream something about the NDC or its Bot runs.
Mood: calm
I was at my desk typing up a message to someone; I will not reveal the name.
I was writing some thoughts concerning the NDC and the recent excitement about the newest experiments we were conducting. I had typed up a full page of my concerns and what I was seeing occur when we discussed the Deambot runs.
It had seemed to be a case that many people were dreaming the same words but denying that they were affected by their daily lives (day residue) and even dismissing the possibility of ordinary life having an opportunity to affect them since they did not read, listen to or watch anything that could possibly influence their dreams.
I warned of the possibility of some to use the dreams to achieve “Stardom”, as I could see some “copycat” behavior occurring and the reward centers of our brains were being stroked on a daily basis. Of course I had a “me too” urge to deal with as just reading the post made me feel I was “missing out” and feeling left out of the conversations.
I sat for a moment wondering if I was just trying to be helpful or just becoming a member of the “That’s just crazy talk” group.
I then had the thought that it does not matter because, I am dead anyway! Seems that when I make postings that the next day when I try to reread my post it has disappeared. It does not matter if it is on Facebook, a news site, on a cooking site or the Dream Forum they all are gone the next time I want to read them and the only explanation to me was that I am a ghost that writes post but that by being a ghost I could not really participate in on-line life any more. Then I had the thought that I am not a ghost, I have at some point “Jumped timelines” and that my former post were no longer valid so they just disappeared. That is when I had the “Now that is crazy talk!” thought.
I went back to writing my message. At the end of the page I wondered why I felt the need to point out all the things I had commented about when a voice said, “Life is connected in so many ways that messages are ubiquitous and everyone has that influencing them constantly whether they know it or not.”
I woke up wondering what ubiquitous meant and how on earth do I spell it. I had to look it up.
Definition of UBIQUITOUS: existing or being everywhere at the same time : constantly encountered : widespread <a ubiquitous fashion>— ubiq•ui•tous•ly adverb — ubiq•ui•tous•ness noun