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Pope, Nevada & Key. 8/21/15, 5:20am
Dreams were mostly day residue. I listed below what I saw when I was waking up that was not day residue. I listed them in the order that I saw them.

1. Saw picture of Pope Francis. He was smiling and waving at people.
2. Saw the words Nevada & Airport.
3. Saw a large mechanical toy key that was stuck in the back of a person. Looked like this person was wearing a black t-shirt. Did not see anything else about this person. Had the feeling this was a man.
Thank you, Julie! I knew that the pope would make it into our dreams eventually! By the way, when I awoke, I got the impression that TWO events out of the predictions list will come true, and the pope's visit is one of them. More on this later.
Pope gets caught at airport in Vegas with stripper!  Just kidding. Angel
Well actually, you know that it has been revealed that Vatican employees have been major players in the HUGE Ashley Madison hack?

Las Vegas fits in as a perfect metaphor! So does the Pope.
When I looked up Ashley Madison, I laughed the whole time I was reading all about it. And of all people, the first person I see mentioned is Josh Duggar! My first thought was: "Oh, what a tangled web we weave...when first we practice to deceive.” Dodgy

(08-21-2015, 11:15 AM)Eagle1 Wrote: Well actually, you know that it has been revealed that Vatican employees have been major players in the HUGE Ashley Madison hack?

Las Vegas fits in as a perfect metaphor! So does the Pope.
Looks like the Pope will be in the US at the end of September.

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