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Dream of Socrates and a man coming back
6th of December 2014:

I dreamt of Socrates and a Man coming back of a Journey having a Boxfight, greek Boxing was the theme. It was at the Fullmoon bar in Basel.


O the 2nd of January i go to Spain and i give many greek books to a greek woman, so she takes care of them until i come back.
I thought i will come back soon about in February. But i could not stay in switzerland in february, i travelled on to italy, switzerland, Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina, and came back to switzerland, then i travelled again several times between italy and switzerland. Now in november i finally got a job in switzerland, and i live in switzerland again. And to the day a year after the dream i go to pick up the books the greek woman has put in the Post Box before her house. as i stand infront of the house she comes out and i ask her what books she would like to keep. I give her some, also one about socrates. So i am a man who comes back and i get books of socrates. And some i leave with a greek woman. It was also a full moon as i put my swiss papers in order, just as on the day of the dream on the 6th of December. Dreams are beautiful.

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