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Final Call-- Global Predictions of Mammoth Proportion
Attached you'll find the pre-release copy of Alexander's compilation of future trends. This PDF is the official appendix to his upcoming life work entitled, "Final Call," which outlines both positive and negative faces of what might be considered a new earth.

Suggestions for specific readers:

- DreamForecasters / Elders: For purposes of headline creation, this document is neither an external resource nor an internal one. In other words, the content is not to be used as a primary source for headline generation, but it is also not something that is to be overlooked. Instead, it will run parallel to our work here since all (or most) of the contents herein are sequentially based rather than applied to a timeline. In other words, one event indicates that another event may be around the corner. This is exactly one of the new time-estimation methods that some of the DFs have postulated in our own work...instead of seeking strict dates all of the time, sometimes we can use celestial events, astrological understandings, and temporal markers. Suggested use: DFs should probably scan through the document to know what is there and then come back if/when outer events appear to be matching up with Alex's temporal markers. When using anything in the document, please remember to apply page number sourcing.

DFers may extract certain content from the document and paste it into THE DREAMFORECASTER's PRIVATE forum for further discussion. I can see several new threads beginning for the various memes that undoubtedly overlap with our own memes.

- P1 Dreamers: Do not read the document within 2-3 hours of going to sleep. The content in this document can and will influence your dreams, and based on scientific research, anything within an hour of sleep has a high-probability of returning in the mindscape during dream time. Those who wish to remain pure dreamers should consider not opening the document.

- P2 Creators: You may read the document as long as you prepare accordingly. First, you must be able to remain fully conscious...being able to observe your reactions while you are reading. If you find yourself being emotionally attached or emotionally reactive in any way, stop reading. Remember our triad of reality-creation...if you cannot stop thinking about the material or cannot separate emotionally, then this document is off limits.

- All Others:  The attachment is the work of Alex. You may not reproduce his work without his express written permission.

NOTE: Most browsers should be able to open the document without having to download it.

Attached Files
.pdf   Final Call-APPENDIX-DreamsVisions.pdf (Size: 203.41 KB / Downloads: 666)
" This is exactly one of the new time-estimation methods that some of the DFs have postulated in our own work...instead of seeking strict dates all of the time, sometimes we can use celestial events, astrological understandings, and temporal markers. Suggested use: DFs should probably scan through the document to know what is there and then come back if/when outer events appear to be matching up with Alex's temporal markers. When using anything in the document, please remember to apply page number sourcing."

This makes more more sense and should flow much easier than the black-and -white data harvesting with dates/terms.
Keeping in mind that such hard data as a date can easily be manipulated by powerful entities that have done this seamlessly for eons.
The most glaring examples are the inception of the Gregorian calendar that threw the natural cycles off balance; and the use of switching 'savings' time and 'standard ' time twice a year.
Thanks Chris, this reference material is awesome.
NADW mentions similar themes in the Ed Dames promotional video.

That is interesting. I am not aware of the details of the predictions promoted by Dames’ group –other than his N Korean nuclear attack precursor event to his “trademark” killshot theme.

I do recall Ed Dames’ early promotion of his training seminars around 1990. This was a time when Gordon Michael Scallion’s earthchange predictions were beginning to peak in general interest in the run-up to 2000. (At the time, I was familiar with background to technical “RV” as well as what could be consider within the larger category of clairsentience.) Dames’ record on predicting significant events is not very good, by the `way –and the same can be said for Brown/Farsight group as well, another RV group that attracted much attention in recent years.

What I shared in this compilation are highlights of selected dreams-visions spanning roughly twenty years, mostly concentrated over the recent ten. A handful of individuals with whom I am personally acquainted have seen similar things when looking “far-out” and we have tried to cross-check on another on these things. (By the way I am not a trained RV’er.)

When one rules out much of what might well have been “made-up”, there is a mix of genuine direct “seeing” and some “crossover” leakage as one person reads or hears of predictions or comments from others, etc. I also know there are talented remote reviewers – formally trained as well as “naturals” –who have observed similar things of great global changes. I know some of them have “seen” a major solar flare that essentially “resets” life on earth. Witness the precognitive information presented in these pages.
And there is also a telepathic bleed-through effect via collective human “thought-sphere” –two people in different parts of the world make the same discovery at about the same time, etc. There are also various informal Internet-based efforts that specifically seek out predictions to identify emerging trends, etc., etc.
All said, there are some capable and honest remote viewers –each with unique background --who are detecting some very large events in the near future.
The sharing of significant dreams and visions is of value. It is also a challenge to determine what is derived from “nearby” vibrational planes that is floating around as a “potentiality” of unknown strength –or whether it is an “insert” by entities interested in manipulating levels of awareness beyond that of ordinary human 3d, often using the astral or 4d vibrational region.

It is my sense that certain major events are detectable and filterable and that those who have become practiced at “looking ahead” can identify many globally major events, just as it is relatively easy to detect the smaller ones with high emotional impact but may not be global in scope. In addition to cross-reading one another, there are also higher vibrational levels where some of these major things can be looked at before they develop the needed specificity to reach into 3d density.


I think I have some understanding as to why certain predictions focused on the period around 2000 did not occur and why long-term events are so difficult to identify in the context of the human-earth calendar. Some of this is discussed in an essay: “Time, Ascension of the Light, and the Co-created Maintenance of a Reality of Error” (see page 17 at link: )
(I am also updating a short essay from 2009 which was written on the theme of pandemic crisis or an existential crisis. I will excerpt some of for it the NDC forum since the disease pandemic has risen again in importance. )


I also suspect there are those events of enormous significance that will not be predicted because they are designed not be predicted, only their adumbrations hinted at through imagery, etc. Thus “The Wave” or “Flash” (as spiritually structured light) may have even greater significance to our state of existence than the hyperdramatic 3d material versions of solar plasma or massive oceanic events.


As part of an overall integrity-check, one must ask why do these people so over inflate their “credentials” that after a while, they seem to start to believe themselves? And why anyone needs to charge so much money for these large group events? Especially if “the big event” is so imminent? These most likely in the neighborhood of $100,000 per event or more –when fees and product sales are factored in. Beyond the egregious amounts of money, there the questionable backgrounds of some of the individuals running these operations. These are money-making models that prey upon fears, as they “squeeze” everyone –like the dark forces do – one last big push of fear over material survival – the workshop to end all workshops – RV “your own” safe place. Assuming Dame’s big ticket item (“killshot”) is so imminent and the global implications so immense, then what is the point? Humans are limited in their discernment to choose and fear is a powerful attractor to many. Why garner so much more money? This is not much different than many who promote themselves on the late night “radio fear networks”. Or like Geryl cashing in 2012 and trying to get people to front tens of thousands each to him to be included in a survival community, etc. because of a solar “killshot” that Geryl never could demonstrate the basis for – only to tell one to go buy all his books.

One of the hallmarks of the Dark side is their innate predatory and parasitic qualities. That is what I notice with most of those promoting “survival fixes” for a fee.

As to the question of a solar killshot and major global events such as crustal axis slip-shifts, etc. Which comes first, what causes what, etc. to my perspectives is not relevant. What is relevant are profound questions of the “whys and wherefores” for “survival” and the higher and deeper questions of the true nature of one’s existence as an individuation of consciousness.

Alexander, this was a fantastic read. I appreciate every time I read something that resonates. Had I been sitting and hearing you at a podium, I'd be standing and clapping for ya, were it allowed.

Y'all, isn't it a huge turnoff every single time someone gives dates?! Furthermore, I suspect some folks that can see far-off, like most if not all of us posting, I'd be willing to bet, discredit themselves as soon as they fall to the temptation to name dates. Heck, true "prophecy" doesn't quantify time or anything else, I believe. (Even the bible that speaks of a thousand year millenium peace of heaven on earth, also says "a day is but a thousand years, and vice versa.)

I am convinced that RV'ing does work. I played with that sophomoric little RV test online and got the biggest two clues to the target, shockingly. I took it to find out what the heck RV was, not that I thought in a millions to speak cliche-like, that I'd actually get anything remotely kin to what the photo-target was. So, am very fascinated with RV but not interested in learning it because of the time spent with eyes closed, and that's my meditation time.

For years Dames said that timing was impossible to get. Then, quite recently he started giving approximate time-frame, but saying it had been "very hard" to get. I now see timing still isn't to be had, but I believe for a very "loud" reason. Life is fluid, our attitudes are fluid, and if there is a God (personally I believe so, just being scientific about it.) He has a right to reschedule any future event that RV'ing can see, etc.

I experience ever-increasing accuracy in hunches/intuition as I grow in my meditative life. I could never be psychic and know dates or specifics. Now, seasons? decades? still hunches that may amaze me later at how I did know, but "didn't know I knew."

Intuition has a life of its own. It doesn't let us call upon it, like a psychic calls on what it wants to know and knows. I can't snap my fingers and have it serve me. It tells me things I have no interest in knowing, and no need to know. It gives things to me when it sees fit. I've come to assume this is to keep us humble or something kin to that.

Dang, RV just puts the image of something right into your mind, and very quickly sometimes! It's a trip, but dates or psychic? I am starting to assume the best of the RV'ers will never get dates, while millions upon millions of us humans will have hunches of things and feel the vibes of them strongly as their time gets closer.

I'll hush. Sorry if I talked too much here.
Concerning dates and insiders...

There are reasons why some "on the inside" would deliberately want to "leak" dates to a wider public outside the usual circles of those who are to be "clued-in" as to events.
These days, I find that certain forces are becoming increasingly hard pressed and yet know full well the social and economic costs of maintaining a vast empire and maintaining enough "bread and circus" for the masses. The available mechanisms for maintaining empire are running dry -- frankly I have been amazed at how this has been stage managed since the mid-1980's.

"They" (those who truly are “insiders”) only know dates they themselves set and agree upon. Presently the problem is one of mutually assurances and insurances as I have mentioned in other posts – and this applies to conflicting blocks of power interests that are operating behind each of the global superpower flags – within each “block of interests” as well as between the major powers. So one can assume a certain uncertainty of combinations/permutations of roughly 2x3. Once that is worked out, then the next "shoe drops". That there will be major economic dislocation (likely November/early December) is already a given. So that is not in question.

WW3 will be something that is decided upon once enough of the military and tech is positioned. At some point, a "go" is signaled. And that is that. There is no way to “keep it quiet” given its obvious nature. Even with the use of directed energy and other exotic weapons, there must ground/air forces in place, etc. This has been one of the reasons WW3 has not occurred overtly and is directly traceable to the events surrounding “9-11”. A trigger event may be used – a modern version of what was used to demarcate the onset of WW-1. Today, it might be something like a political leader of one or more major powers, or the action of some heretofore pre-packaged “rogue state” that is in effect given a “go” order.
What is beyond the control of human PTB are two things: anticipated influences from stuff out there in space and global-scale earthchanges -- thereby making it impossible to pursue notions of an "orderly" global war. Of course some would have advance notice, and the only telling indicator would be if too many major public figures throughout the world were to suddenly sequester themselves, triggering too many to notice that something is afoot. By then, "it" (whatever that major event would be) would already in play. So even if there were enough "credible" people shouting from the rooftops, few would pay heed, as too many have been tricked into believing the sky is falling by too many for too long. This is of course another form of social control that takes advantage of new situations that arise out of various crises.

Meanwhile, social control engineers continually testing he waters of “collective insanity” through every means available so as to identify ways and means to maintain “civilian” pacification. And if the fear mongering by a few hucksters helps the overall social engineering process, then they will be one of the “opportunities”.

As the expression came to be known in the aftermath of the Vietnam anti-war period “the revolution will not be televised” – likewise for the major global changes. Most of the planetary disasters have been “socially presented” by the movie industry. Now the theme is a dark side version of transhumanism and techno-consciousness. Some of the people advising in this regard were often known as “alternative thinkers” during the late 1960’s through the 1970’s who promoted the “good causes”.

Thursday Dec 11, 2014
RE: What may be coming our way

During the course of this year, I have noted a number of detailed dream-vision reports from several different individuals.

This most recent report is enough for me to make an updated summary based upon these reports as well as my own dream-visions from nighttime states and ordinary daytime overlays.

There are elements to linked dream here that shares much in common with my own experiences and that of others.

To wit:

The presence of detailed “view screens” or “wall displays” – I too have seen these as have others I know of.

Something indicating a major escalation war

Possible use of nuclear weapons

Massive earthchanges that coincide with this or immediately follow – this relationship in close time is noteworthy. I have said that major earthchanges will pre-empt a full scale WW3 “Dr. Strangelove” type of catastrophe

A major explosion – dark smoke, etc. – This also fits with a supervolcano scale eruption not only military related

Speculation as to something military related: deliberate or accidental nuclear explosion –perhaps at some secret facility. Perhaps something unexpected in Japan or N Korea or China with regard to nuclear materials and an out of control explosion that disturbs planetary dynamics in an area already “primed”.

A major oceanic event – some say N Amer East coast first, some say N Amer West coast first. A few say both in close time with one another.

New Madrid fault system destabilized. A few have seen this. As have I.

Global elite in underground facilities – had some idea of what was coming. This may be an indication of imminent war preparations, but it could just as easily mean advance warning of a global catastrophe from other quarters. Whichever, it would happen quickly as “word gets around” if too many just seem to vanish from public presences –and then there are those who know or suspect but do not feel they are not bound to secrecy.

An unexpected asteroid or planetary object passing too close. If dark enough, then only a small number will know and if so, such information would be compartmentalized. Any astronomers outside those circles would need to prove their information first and there has been far too much “crying wolf” by hoaxers via the Internet for anyone to take non-official sources seriously anymore.

The huge waves involving the major oceans fits with a large tectonic displacement. The main thing I have “seen” has been a crustal-axial slip-shift – likely in stages. What tips things over the edge, could be one or combination of adequately understood dynamic triggers.

Timing to me is in months, not years, for these some or all of these events to to play out.  - However my own 3-month lookahead window will not be done until Dec 31 2014 - or Jan 1 2015

“Peace” treaties are not what they seem. War and peace are part of the same reality paradigm based on conflict-duality.

I have always noticed that there would be large earthchanges that would in effect truncate moves to a full scale global war.

I wish it were not so, but "months" works with my hunch that I seriously hope is wrong. I do not wish to live through what is coming, NO, said that wrong. I hope to safely live through it, while I strongly wish that it didn't have to happen during my time on the planet.

By late-spring it all starts going down, is my hunch. I believe the Shemita is foolproof, that it proves its own validity and as new as my knowledge of it is, I'm taking it very seriously.

Yes, things happen very close together once the SHTF. Personally, as a bible believer I think what RV'ers, intuitives, dreamers and more folks say about this validates what my bible says, that "for the sake of the Elect" God "will shorten those days."

Words that come to me and have for a couple of years now are, "it's almost showtime."
Still, I'm gonna hope and pray for more time from Creator that resides outside the realm of time.

Thank you for this much needed update. I'm on the other end of the spectrum as most of the dreamers, and by that I mean that my specialty isn't dreaming the future, but rather looking at other peoples' dreams and making a judgment call for what the future holds. That being said, my warning signals have been absolutely pegged recently with all these 'huge wave' dreams coming in, and by that I mean that in Project August, I noticed that once we get to a certain number of dreams inside a certain meme, it actually starts decreasing likelihood that something will come of it.

Get haven't yet seen all the Project Ano dreams talking about big waves and such. There are many, and our project pool of dreams this go around is less than Project August simply because of the compressed timeframe for collecting the dreams. We'll begin digesting those dreams next week, and I almost shudder from doing so. Duty calls, though, and I will roll up the ol sleeves and dig in.

Thanks again, and good to hear that you're doing well,

I almost didn't post that dream but I got bugged by my team/guides so there it is. This was one of the most detailed information dreams I've had in some time.

I attended a Killshot function with a friend earlier this year. What struck both of us was how the fear ramped up in the room as Dames talked. People were downright scared by what they were hearing. And while Dames may not be very accurate, he IS intuitive and can read people with a degree of accuracy. He also feeds on the fear and strong emotion. If you asked me what he said, I couldn't really tell you. I was recovering from bronchitis and spent most of the time sucking on cough drops and wondering why my team had said it was important I attend the show. My friend attended the evening get together and said it was more of the same. Frankly, Dames did a lot of posturing interspersed with spiels for his DVDs-reduced for the event-with very little actionable information, IMO.

What people don't realize about future predictions is those beings who show what is to come operate outside of linear time. For them, all time is NOW, and that makes it difficult to give a definite time or date of an event. The best they can do is give signposts or approximations, such as changes of seasons like the equinox or solstice. That I was shown at least one signpost to watch for to know TS is about to HTF was unusual.

Yes indeed -- I have commented on Dames as well as Brown who feed upon the energy from prestige and notoriety -- and fear. Courtney Brown relies upon a number of questionable RV sources -- but more than a few supported his projections -- such as HPH/Clif High, etc.

That said, there are a number of sources from science tech interests, global strategists, religious prophesizing, etc. as well as clean RV-ing and dream-visioners.

I think that even for some of these hucksters and fear mongers, there is some element of truth -- however and wherever they picked up on it.

And even the Dark side has its reasons for dropping hints as well.

If you would. please feel free to email me to discuss your preliminary indicators and I will do same.

There are many elements from your report that I only touched on in my recap. Your combination of elements, your narrative, and certain specific elements got my attention.



If I have some specific updates to "The Wave" I will start a new thread since the thread I began on that topic has became tangled up with too many tangential and distracting items, thus losing the original focus.
For now, I will use this thread for anything of major significance.

I was so unfamiliar with RV, I had to read up on it before I went to the event. LOL

What struck both my friend and me as very, very interesting was the number of people in the room who radiated what can only be termed as power. We counted at least three old school shamans, those called to service to Mother Earth and all who inhabit her-and a couple other power wielders my friend called practitioners(she has an interesting background so I deferred to her label). My impression of them was they were there for the same reason my friend was: to hear what was being said and if it concurred with other information they received. Dames "saw" them too because while he talked, he roamed the room and occasionally would stop and focus on someone. My friend noted every time he stopped and commented when he stopped and looked directly at us for at least thirty seconds. Gosh. Nice to be included in the "people to note" group. Cool

Or else he was wondering if that woman at the back table could shove any more cough drops into her maw without choking. Big Grin
Dec 13

Global Predictions of Mammoth Proportion - early warnings

As of the end of November 2014, my “best guess” prognostication is much the same that I have offered over this year: during 2015 and 2016 there is most likely to be a rapid escalation of human conflicts, concurrent with a rapid escalation of global earth changes leading to the effective end of human civilization as humans regard such things, and a range of extinction-level events on Earth.

As to what event catalyzes other events, idle speculations become irrelevant. Will a massive oceanic event first affect the East Coast N America before the W Coast N America? Does it matter?  

Perhaps there will be some other event that will make these pale in comparison. Consider that.

I do not think there will a lot of advance notice, even for those "paying attention" to outward signs.

While so many will looking for outward signs, over the years, I have been aware that the first stage of important precursor alerts will be a confluence of dreams and visions, some reported publicly as here, others shared privately.

It is my sense that we are now getting those early warnings that have the subject of so much speculation for decades.

As I have noted before, certain "events" will be more of the spiritual planes interacting at the human level awareness. Some will coincide closely in time with outward 3d material events. These include "the Wave" and "the Flash". Some will presage outward events, some will follow. The human frame of reference and predispositions tend toward "symbolism" when processing events of a severe "existential crisis".

It is best to practice detached observing and note what they are receiving or connecting in with, even for events of global scale destruction of what humans identify their existence with as humans.


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