08-14-2010, 09:17 AM
Dream 8/13/2010.
May just be paranoid but here is the dream. 8/13/2010 - Reposted to include the date of the dream.
I was at home with my husband when there was a knock at the door. My husband grabbed his shotgun and went into the other room, pointing the gun at the door through the wall. "SSDA" "Tell your husband to put down the gun and join you in the living room". A countdown of "3…2…" and my husband was with me in the living room. A lady and a guard come in and they tell us both to sit down. She pulls out a pamphlet with plants and says "You are in violation" "You are aware you are only able to grow these plants correct"? Another guard type enters from the back door carrying my seed pouch and hands it to the lady. She takes the pouch and places 3 seeds on each picture of the plant and hands the pouch back to the guard. I yelled at her "That is enough to grow one plant each if we"re lucky"! She said "You are lucky that I"m not taking you to the culdesac for this, you can keep the seeds you harvest" "If we live that long" I yelled back at her. She picked up her stuff and left.
I then find myself with my husband and sons and we are in a suburban neighborhood, with nice homes only they are run down. I am then in a kitchen area with my family and I am looking through a pantry. My husband whispers for us to get down and he stands at the side of the kitchen door, shotgun in hand. He then says "Linda" (Linda is our neighbor) "It"s me Mike" she is pointing a pistol in his direction and she says "What are doing here"…I woke up. Needless to say I was ticked when I woke up because I wanted to know what we were doing there, what was this culdesac, and what the hell is SSDA?
May just be paranoid but here is the dream. 8/13/2010 - Reposted to include the date of the dream.
I was at home with my husband when there was a knock at the door. My husband grabbed his shotgun and went into the other room, pointing the gun at the door through the wall. "SSDA" "Tell your husband to put down the gun and join you in the living room". A countdown of "3…2…" and my husband was with me in the living room. A lady and a guard come in and they tell us both to sit down. She pulls out a pamphlet with plants and says "You are in violation" "You are aware you are only able to grow these plants correct"? Another guard type enters from the back door carrying my seed pouch and hands it to the lady. She takes the pouch and places 3 seeds on each picture of the plant and hands the pouch back to the guard. I yelled at her "That is enough to grow one plant each if we"re lucky"! She said "You are lucky that I"m not taking you to the culdesac for this, you can keep the seeds you harvest" "If we live that long" I yelled back at her. She picked up her stuff and left.
I then find myself with my husband and sons and we are in a suburban neighborhood, with nice homes only they are run down. I am then in a kitchen area with my family and I am looking through a pantry. My husband whispers for us to get down and he stands at the side of the kitchen door, shotgun in hand. He then says "Linda" (Linda is our neighbor) "It"s me Mike" she is pointing a pistol in his direction and she says "What are doing here"…I woke up. Needless to say I was ticked when I woke up because I wanted to know what we were doing there, what was this culdesac, and what the hell is SSDA?