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The President Revealed?
I arrived in the White House and walked through a door near a velvet rope..and saw The President with full african garb and headcover (fez-like but also mitre-like) multicolored with lots of reds, blacks and gold- yellow colors. He was holding his hands up in worship near.. a wall with..perhaps a carved throne? I said to him "Praise the Lord! I am so glad you worship God!" He was shocked to see me.. was very concerned and a bit angry,, he said "Come out, you can't be here!" as he lead me back toward the door. I repeated my comment and he ignored it, merely repeating- louder this time- his comment more than once. He appeared to have been 'caught' somehow. Then this dream ended. I do not often remember dreams.. but this one I really did. Also- the very nest night I dreamed that I was telling people about this dream several times... very odd. One thing I am sure of.. it was not the true God- the Father of Christ- that he was worshiping. And he did not want to be 'caught'.

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