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Russian killers, mangled dogs, dreamcode, and good ghosts.
This dream and experience i had 2 nights ago.

My wife and I were sitting across the street from a multi-leveled apartment building with my parakeet in his cage. I have no idea where this place was. It was night, quiet residential street, large trees. We were sitting while she had a cigarette. We watch a car pull up and three men get out intently and quickly walk into the building next to ours. We hear noises from inside the building. Sounded and felt very wrong. We had a bad feeling about it, so we hurry back inside. I was watching out the window of the top floor. I see them come out, they are speaking Russian. 2 of them get in the car, one stops and slowly turns and looks at the spot where we were sitting. I realize i left the bird there. "Oh shit oh shit" I say, and he slowly turns his head and looks up into the window where we are peeking out. He gets in the car. I move up to a tiered area in the room where there is a window that looks down the street. I watch them slowly drive a few blocks, kill the lights, and then pull over again. They all 3 get out and start walking back towards us. The one guy still watching the window. It felt very ominous. "Fuckfuckfuck" we run downstairs and out the back.

This part is spotty.

I remember running through the woods, coming upon a pack of wild dogs. One had his back leg so mangled i could see bone.
There was a recreational area, some people. Urgent feeling to get away or we were going to be killed.

Somehow we both ended up on a shuttle bus headed to a large ocean liner i think. I was separated from my wife, she was up front. I was in the back on the drivers side, sitting next to a modestly dressed homely girl with brown medium length hair - kind of a Betty Page cut. I felt nervous, anxious, and worried we still being followed.
The woman next to me asked some questions making small talk. I asked her in response what she did for a living. She said " i write code ".
"Like computer code?" I ask
She paused and then she looked at me and it was if time slowed.
This part was right before i woke up and it was vivid.
She said something to the effect of " you know the dreams you have? Like the one with the wheels in the sky? I write the the code for the dreams that you have. They are broadcast by satellite, you and everyone here are having the same dream but different"
I felt confusion, disbelief, and almost a little angry. I remember saying distinctly and slowly.
"You mean the dreams i've had with these Jungian archetypes. you wrote those?"
"Yours and your wife's"
I recalled those dreams in my dream. I'm freaking out a bit. Then the conversation goes something like this:
"You are in danger."
"Why am I in danger"
"you've been noticed"
"what the fuck do you mean i've been noticed"
"something you've said, or done, or written has made them take notice of you"
In the dream i was freaking the fuck out.

At that point i wake up it's early morning, and i'm still in that half-sleep state. I briefly see someone walking out of my room, a shoulder and a leg, looked like they were in white coveralls. And for whatever reason, I don't get scared or freak out! I remember thinking, "oh that's just one of the good ghosts" and fall back asleep.

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