01-10-2012, 11:00 AM
In my dream I was not myself but another woman with a husband and 2 sons who were not my own. I was aware that I was not this woman but attempted to play the part. I didn"t want to get back to my life as I knew that I was being shown something--it was important--and needed to play the part. I had an understanding that there was a virus that had been released that would eliminate the general population. In my dream I likened it (in my thoughts) to the movie "I Am Legend".
It may have been shortly after the virus was released that my "husband" took me to the bank and he left me in the lobby while he went to take care of business--remove items from a vault I think. Society was in chaos but inside the bank they were having a party or sorts with refreshments and I wondered at this. After leaving the bank my "husband" took me and "our" sons to a condominium with a decorative paddle wheel attached to it. Our unit was a fully furnished 2 story elegant sort of place and looked as though it was lived in with someone"s stuff in it--and I knew that it wasn"t our stuff. He told us that this was where we would be living now. It was night time and he had meetings to attend. I was scared and now lonely wishing I could get back to my real life but the children were scared too and I wanted to comfort them.
The next morning the paddle wheel that was "decorative" became a real paddle wheel and our condo detached from the ground. We were headed down a river and out to the ocean. My "husband" explained that we were headed for an island where we wouldn"t have to deal with the effects of the "plague". Everything was going according to "the plan" and we would be safe.
The dream was very crisp in my senses. I smelled food in the bank, felt the soft carpet in the condo and felt the warm sun and smelled the river water smells with the wind blowing my hair as our paddle wheel condo headed down the river. Yet there were many fuzzy areas mostly to do with my "family". I woke up wondering if I had seen someone else"s life in the future. I understood that my "husband" was someone "important" but realized that this woman had no idea who he really was or what he did and was totally in the dark about what was going on--a very innocent person in the matter, scared and feeling alone but "saved" from the calamity. *I* felt terrible for all the people who wouldn"t be safe and angry that "special and privileged" people (psychopaths!) felt they had the right to inflict this on someone else.
I felt the need to remember and record this dream when I awoke.