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Family 2011 Experiment
Dreaming Awake or Envisioning/Meditation

When I was visiting with family on a weekend in November 2011, we held an experiment (OK, another experiment!) where the six of us sent our intuitive tendrils out into the world in an attempt to divine potential future catastrophe. Suffice it to say that North America was the prime concern. After all, North America is where we live.

It is now September 2014 and this experiment still haunts me. I keep looking for a WHEN and I think I've found it.

Step by Step

My tendrils reached for mostly the Arctic and China with a few headed for California and around to Australia. My vision was of numerous balls of soft white light cascading out of the sky.

Another sister described her tendrils as moving to Russia and China, where great lightening ripped through the sky as many hands reached out to help. Nested in the middle of her view was a crab like creature. She was given the numbers 3, 8 and 17 or March 8, 2017??.

Another sister told of her tendrils, all in one rope, shooting up over the Arctic where there was a great rumbling with gigantic chunks of ice breaking away. She had a vision of a single large fish.

My dad was envisioning the continent of North America sinking into the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans on three sides (east, west and south), down from what he described as the backbone (ridge) of the continent, kicked off by an earthquake off the coast of California.

One sister's tendrils covered the entire globe. She beheld a large dark mass of cloud emanating from the other side of the world, wrapping round the globe, encompassing all except a narrow strip down the middle of North America, as if the Earth cracked like an egg (1/3 - 2/3). She was under something in the dark with other people and every once in a while they decided it might be time to surface....and then they decided it wasn't time yet, over and over again. She was terrified into tears. She was given the number 37.

My mother got stuck in her trance viewing a massive number of headstones in British Columbia.

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