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Calamity and Depopulation
Not feeling well since this morning, I laid down for an afternoon nap today - this dream came of that nap.

I remember having a conversation with someone out of view (this happens frequently in my 'world-view dreams'). I recollect the dream from the point of discussing 'how they plan reducing the world population'.

I point out that without world population reduction, the calamities 'promised' to come will be more horrific than the description of Dante's Hell, and that no world should suffer so. I say, 'so that you would reduce the population, that horrors will not be beyond tolerance, how will you do this thing with grace?' I then pose the ideas of disease, astronomical event, fire, loss of atmosphere, and many other ways a 'creator' could do such a thing.

I am then shown, and simultaneously told matter-of-factly that what is to come soon will bring about a great winter not seen for many millenia, and that with this terrible winter of longstanding, few remember how to survive as those of many years before did (I feel he was alluding to true survival, as humans did hundreds if not thousands of years ago). As a result, many will freeze, many will die of thirst, and of the 'old diseases' (cholera, typhoid, etc.), and that they will enter the winter assuming it to be a normal-duration winter, will consume all their heating fuel, and due to their population numbers still remaining, not have enough heating fuel to continue on the exceptionally long winter to come. That when they expect it to end, it is only actually starting. They will burn through their fuel, and they will not know how to find water, nor realize they need to still clean it and purify it, and then their food stocks will be exhausted. I now see this to be the result of a 'nuclear winter', but do not feel it is of man-made nuclear forces that it came to be. (volcano? meteor? comet?)

I am shown a population reduction of over 50-percent of the world in less than 18-months time. I state back to them, 'but this is still not enough for what still remains is still too great of a burden to retain upon this world', and in 'short response' (I felt they tired of me at that point), they curtly said to me, 'it is not for you, for there are yet more things not show you of this, that the number will not remain that high'.

Once again I am left with the one thought on awakening, 'why pick me to show me these things, if they really are to be?'

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