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05-30-2016, 09:24 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-30-2016, 09:31 AM by Eagle1.)
Trending: trade booth huh containers blank practice hours stare today mind road tar show shadow sea meditation dice dorm fragment dark labor arrested sorry attached electricity awoke less probably view heres
Waning: story late were hair starts waking dreamed father sun ladder purple taxes wow creepy last sat dream fri yesterday eden
<----- DISCUSSION ----->
Trade booth huh containers blank. I’d say that sounds pretty self explanatory. We have ourselves yet another financial/economic bot run. The past few days worth of bot runs have been strangely weighted towards economic matters:
5/27/16: Taxes ( )
5/28/16: Housing market ( )
5/29/16 Labor and housing markets ( labor arrested):
5/30/16 (Today): Trade appears to be halted as the containers are empty. The collapse of international trade??
....Oh, and let us not forget the run on 5/20/16....the death of the dollar, which fits in perfectly with today's empty trade containers.
I find this very interesting that we have an array of economic words in back to back runs, some of which exceeded the red alert threshold. As we saw recently with the Queen bot run, the predictive linguistics are still taking about 6 weeks to manifest in real world headlines. Thus, if the collective is predicting something economic, our best guess is about 6 weeks’ time til we see it play out in waking reality. Target period of July 4th through July 18th 2016. I'm thinking labor and housing problems (as well as poor trade data) spur a discussion on tax overhaul. We probably need to include the 5/20 run in this discussion, as the dollar's burial would happen first, as 6 weeks from 5/20 is July 1st, 2016. These dates are all bracketing the July 4th holiday. Hmmmmm.....
By the way, the highest surge score through all this was 149 points, given to the word DORM on 5/29/16. This may signify a strong educational flavor in all of this (i.e., university financials, student loans, educational housing issues, or something along those lines. The second highest score was the word LABOR in yesterday's run, with a score of 139.5. The third highest economic word was TRADE, garnering 119 points in today's run. TAXES was down at 68 points even though it was the #1 word on 5/27/16. The reason I bring this is up: This is our first exploration of a series of bot runs all describing a bigger meme (in this case, the economy). If any of this series is accurately predicting the future, I'm anxious to see whether the surge scores can accurately predict severity levels or emotional releases of the eventual news stories.
For more details about these DreamBot runs, please see:
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05-30-2016, 11:08 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-30-2016, 11:15 AM by Nanny.)
LOL even Dreambot is going "huh" at the opening words.
With "trade booth huh containers blank" hunch is a headline maybe coming about another G20 or that type of economical powwow where bad news of empty promises or falling US dollar trade, or decrease of trade in-general, with our nation.
"stare today mind" with "meditation" in the list soon-after is encouraging even if no headline can come from it. Or, this is possibly referring to a large amount of patriots, veteran and rest of us that are pondering what was fought for, what was lied about being fought-for, and where our nation is now, etc.
"labor arrested" hanging in here, headline surely coming. "dark labor arrested?"
"attached electricity awoke less probably view" yikes, could this be botspeak for a loss of electricity? "sun" in this run, too. "sun ladder" go together?
"awoke" and "waking" both here.
"purple taxes?" Ah, so the rich are going to be taxed more? soon? by what mode?
Eagle1, your analysis as usual is excellent. July4th. was hinted at with "birthday" in a couple of those runs.
So, if the botruns bring the emotional/reaction aspect to this coming economic issue, it'll be any day now for the time-frame to be same, yeah? (Have often heard that approximately three days after an economic emergency, all heck breaks loose. That day 3, folks start acting-out.)
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Ok. Lots here to look at and major overlaps.
In general the word dorm works very well with a college and labor angle as it did yesterday. It might additionally suggest an abbreviation for the word dormant. Dormant would also fit an economic run and re-emphasizes the word arrested in our botrun.
mind road tar show shadow sea meditation- be mindful regarding road tar (crude oil meant to be refined into gasoline) as a sea shadow is foreseen (oil slick). I would take an educated guess that a oil tanker or an oil rig has a massive leak. Mind and meditation are bookending this word grouping and also relate to each other which seems to indicate an need for watchfulness or mindfulness.
Electricity and tar go together as forms of energy. Arrested sorry attached electricity awoke less probably view heres - sounds like an electrical grid issue,slowed or stopped electricity, which would mean a black/brownout. Further supporting this thought are the words - dorm fragment dark labor arrested sorry - or a dormant part is "dark labor", (not working), sorry.
Yep, a major electrical power grid issue and an oil issue headed our way it appears.
If dorm strictly means college population, the labor market appears to be like a rollercoaster for that group when comparing yesterday's and todays runs.
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05-30-2016, 05:20 PM
(This post was last modified: 05-30-2016, 06:09 PM by *AD.
Edit Reason: add links
I tend to agree with Eagle 1 that economically/financially it could be relative to education
Also there are new ways to
repackage/monetize DEBT as in GREEN BONDs.
Many factors here-
1. Climate TAX and the UN Agenda- lets start by making the huge global debt look pretty by
giving it a better package- environmental one. then- reap the bennies when investors belly up.
2. What we see chronically is that millions are strapped with student loan debt and no jobs to pay them off.
Read Urban Survival for the sad stats on college youth still living with parents as this dire situation has us
living in micro-housing or home. No $$/no jobs/no future!
3. Baltic dry index and port stats do indicate we've had serious cut back on containers leaving ports loaded. OR Even leaving with drops in oil prices. Many ships are stagnant (arrested) in port waters.
Again, Eagle 1 I would say much of it is residue - news reports- coupled with precog booster that
it might get worse before better. Look at Venezuela - that is playing out many dreams of severe lack. Eating cats and dogs and other critters in the streets to stay alive. Those terms have been in the bot-runs lately too.
Its just not up here- yet.
Something else just occurred to me- and it may all be inter-connected (if that is a true word)with money.
TAYLOR, fears magic IS BACK in the 5/28 run.
Taylor can be a conceptual symbol for a growing 'resistance' in the TV/movie industry-
I wonder how much Hollywood/$$ has to do with what is coming-
for instance- big movie festival flummox with Robert DiNiro (who admits to having an autisitc child)
he finally speaks up and isn't happy.
child abuse and porn- (recall Jimmy Saville in UK)its an unspoken syndrome. High rollers partaking.
so perhaps we should be looking for some whistle-blowing or controversy on screen or TV when we see TAYLOR
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AD, you are right about student loan debt. It's been said for a couple or more years that the next bubble to burst is likely student loans. Hey! maybe when a run last year? had "sally" in it we should've considered Sallie Mae.
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Excellent insights, you three! AD, I casually ruled out day residue concerning economic stuff because we've had years of talk about financial / economic turmoil. While there is no guarantee of being predictive here, I do see this back-to-back array of diversified economic memes to be extremely unique. Why now all of a sudden do all these indicators show up daily? We didn't see anything like during the so-called shemitah predictions. We're in uncharted territory and I don't believe this is day residue. But is it predictive? That I don't know.
I am impressed with all the inputs here. Thank you!
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05-31-2016, 01:45 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-31-2016, 02:10 PM by *AD.
Edit Reason: typos
(05-30-2016, 10:37 PM)Eagle1 Wrote: Excellent insights, you three! AD, I casually ruled out day residue concerning economic stuff because we've had years of talk about financial / economic turmoil. While there is no guarantee of being predictive here, I do see this back-to-back array of diversified economic memes to be extremely unique. Why now all of a sudden do all these indicators show up daily? We didn't see anything like during the so-called shemitah predictions. We're in uncharted territory and I don't believe this is day residue. But is it predictive? That I don't know.
I am impressed with all the inputs here. Thank you! Chris-
I do not disagree with you- trust me.
However, permit me to point out just two economic headlines just from one site I was on a minute ago
that supports what is happening 'out there' (BTW-if it is happening then the Mass consciousness is also picking up satellite beams from the subconscious ethers too)
2. What we see chronically is that millions are strapped with student loan debt and no jobs to pay them off.
Read Urban Survival for the sad stats on college youth still living with parents as this dire situation has us
living in micro-housing or home. No $$/no jobs/no future!
This is SICK that Wells Fargo is pulling this stunt- then again the green bonds may roll up this debt to resell to investors too on the backs of debt laden former students
child abuse and porn- (recall Jimmy Saville in UK)its an unspoken syndrome. High rollers partaking
fears taylor magic
disclosure cometh- this is an eye popper (no pun intended "eyes wide shut") also mentioning a queens' 'throne" participant.
I think its all snowballing into something major and I stick my neck out to say
a few days beyond July 4th
lets give it 07/07/16 (777)
thanks Eagle 1 for the input.
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Oh wow! I'm jiggy with that, AD! You're seeing this series of runs as more of an end or finality of that day residue, as the new era pops into place after disclosure? There's just so much that's been hidden for far too long. Can't wait to see the zombies' faces when the truth comes out!
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05-31-2016, 02:08 PM
(This post was last modified: 05-31-2016, 02:14 PM by *AD.)
Another concept 'popped in' from quantum on TAYLOR
its been such a riddle so I jumbled it around. I love the jumble puzzle in the newspapers as it comes easy.
also the game perquacky is good for brain teasers. I used it once to help a client with a brain tumor regain
some mental acuity.
move the letters around a bit-
TAYLOR -> ROYAL T (throne?)
again could be code.
p.s. Don't the royals/elites have black magic/rituals at their fingertips.
spellbinders to create havoc.
I do not discount weather wars either.
that was my key. I think the bots speak clearer than we imagine sometimes.
I can be thick too- duh
cough cough
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Ooo AD, I'm really liking the jumble here. Taylor has been vexing the botrun for so long that there is more than meets the eye. And "royalty"? Very insightful I'm thinking. I'm getting a weird feeling from this one....
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Not the royalty you think. Pay no attention to the throne, look for the people behind the thrones.
A real life "Game of Thrones", coming to a world near you in July.
Don't ask me what this means. I just typed the words as they came to me.
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GREAT! it's the spontaneous things that are 99? % of the time true and needed to be said. We learn from our own mouths, and get informed that way too. Oh, well our typing fingers...LOL yeah the gist/message is there.
The puppet-masters is what your message just told us all....
I salute you. Seriously, when our dollar crashes, when the petrodollar is total history, when the Fed, if it does starts Q4, I think it will be called, the puppet masters will have spoken. (and on many other things of course)
Also, watch who trump chooses as VP. I doubt it will really be his own choice. If it is not....pray and pray or whatever we all do in place of prayer, for him. I think even he can be intimidated enough in secret to accept THEIR choice of VP.
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Taylor - it was staring us in the face all along. kinda like dreambot being a little dislexic, you read it backwards and it sounds like RolTay...not much of a jump to Roy-al-ty. dislexic with an accent! I like it! that cast a whole new aspect onto many of the runs with Taylor in them!
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I agree with your rabbit hole quantum whip up out of the blue.... (:-D
Royal T certainly has its own hierarchy- lets start with the Vatican/Jesuits.
could infer $$ as in collecting royalties.
Future payoff for a past deed/action
just lovin' these rabbit hole riddles...!
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Didn't think about the Vatican/Jesuits, but that makes complete sense as a group that has a very strict hierarchy. And let's not forget that even in their ranks, there has been suspicion of early deaths when someone tries to break protocol.....
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06-03-2016, 02:23 PM
(This post was last modified: 06-03-2016, 02:24 PM by Nanny.)
Boss spoke of the several consecutive days of botruns focused on financial issues, so this is a good place to put this contact's message to Quayle's site. This resonates very much. Gotta share. This is a whole cafeteria of thought on the issue. bummer......
this speaks about a Dutch bank? sounds like it but is unfamiliar to me.