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healthy behavior enforcement
Ihad this dream where Iwent to to the doctor on a routine visit. Mine is one who would rather have you be healthy and prevent problems rather than just cram another pill down your throat. Well, anyway, on this visit he mentioned a new initiative to help people maintain their health. There was no cost as it was federally funded, would I like some information on it. I tell him sure and he leaves the room and at this time a military officer like a general with all the service ribbons returns. HEgives me the information. The plan is to insert this small maybe 1/8" hexagon purple chip behind your ear. It 'smooths out' the wake/eat/sleep cycles to maintain proper balance and health. As he's talking he's paging through this pamphlet with some kind of anime type cute girl sleeping, typing, walking, and eating = 'beaming radiance' type of appearance.. The unit is to control urges. Iassumed it would tell you when to sleep, when to stop eating, when to exercise, and when to work harder. I didn't have to decide now, but take the literature and think about it as the no cost offer won't continue and then everyone will have to pay for it. At that point my own control device woke me up for work.

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