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Reading Text in Dreams
Dream was in two parts.

First I was dreaming that I was getting ready for an adventure race, but my gear was completely disorganized, this caused me stress... then I got a little bit of lucidity, and realized I was dreaming. I rationalized that all was fine, the race was not today, but several months out. My stress level immediately went down. Then I realized I was in dream state and decided to play around (which is why I bring up this first part).

Second part was just your basic observation. I let images come to mind, and then I would sort of hit a "next" button (no real button, just like an intent for the next image, which would happen at will).

Images would appear and I could look at them closely. The images then became all consistent, they were highway signs, big and green, rounded corners with reflective border, lettering just like normal US highway signage.

I looked at the first one, then another, and another. I could at will change to the next one, as fast or slow as I wanted.

The strange thing was that no matter how hard I tried, I could make out letters, but the words and phrases would make no sense. Sometimes if I really concentrated, I could make out letters that were more like Russian or Dutch.

I flipped through over 30 signs in a row, with complete control, ability to hard focus on the letters, but no ability to recognize the words or phrases.

In remote viewing, it's often said that looking at numbers or letters (as opposed to images or feelings)is nearly impossible to do with accuracy. That sometimes the numbers will be inverted and mirrored (issues with "6" and "9", etc.), and that the mind really plays tricks when trying to pull info from the "matrix" through to our letter and number systems we use for communications.


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