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I had this dream two nights ago and although it was very short it was incredibly vivid.
Standing out side a major Melbourne (Australia) railway station I notice a crowd around the entrance to the station, walking over to take a closer look I noticed that the crowd were looking at the news banners around a retail outlet. On one of the banners which was the local Herald Sun I noticed three images in colour down the page on a black background, the first was the image of a train with a red circle around the image and a line through it, (like no dogs allowed etc), the next image was a car, then a bus. I remember saying to myself, no trains, no cars or buses, then I noticed the only text underneath the images in bold white saying WORLD WAR. I noticed another banner to the left from 'The Age' another local newspaper which had the words WWIII. Feeling shocked and getting a ice cold chill through the middle of me I looked around only to see more people heading over to see what the crowd was looking at.
This is where the dream ended.

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