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The Dream
I'm 59 years old and I've had this same dream and when I say same, I mean exactly the same dream since my earliest memories. I may have interpreted the dream differently when I was a child because of my limited experiencewith the outside world, but is always the same dream. The dream always starts with myself and a woman that I love deeply standing together at night on a sandy ocean beach. We're both very afraid. When I was younger I always assumedthe womanwas my mother and it confused me because I didn't recognizethe woman'sface as my mother's face.The womanalways has the same facial features, those of a beautiful young Asian woman. I'm notAsian by the way, which made things even more confusing. I didn't realize who that woman was until I met, fell in love with and married that beautiful young Asian woman of my dreams. While we're standing on the beach, we're both looking toward the night sky, holding each other tightly. There are multitudes of bright streaks of light high up in the blackness of the night moving rapidly from the West to the East to wards the inland of America. As a child, I couldn't comprehend what the lights in the sky were. All I knew is that they were bad, very bad. I still don't know what those streaks of light are. I've thought many times that maybe they're the warheads of an ICBM reentering the Earth's atmosphere. Maybe they're small meteorites acting as a precursor to a larger and more deadly meteorite. I just don't know and I'm not sure I want to know. I've have the dream throughout my life and what's even more curious is that when I do have one, it usually foretells either a bad period in my personal life or more frighteningly something bad occurring nationally or globally. I remember having the dream many, many times in the early 60's just before the Cuban missile crisis. They continued on a fairly regular basis up until the assassination of JFK. It seems for the better part of my adult life now, that they have subsided to havingthe dreammaybe every other year or so. That is until recently. For the last year, the frequency of the dream has been increasing to a point where I'm havingthe dreamat least once a week. I'm pretty sure this portends something very bad happening very soon. I live in Oregon. My wife and I are heading to the Oregon coast this mid-November. We always enjoy walking the beach together at night and looking up at thestarry night sky. This time will be different. I'm afraid of what I'll see in that dark night sky.

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