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Space Aliens, Internet, EMP Counterattack
Dreamed 9/30/2010, 5 AM EST;
It started in the Pacific Northwest, USA. Small robots the size of a tennis ball (but saddle-shaped like a scoop of ice cream) unearthed themselves from everywhere. They rolled towards humans or animals and shot thin, gleaming metallic wires into people/animals within 6 feet. Once connected, the animal or person stopped--Until it was time for them to shuffle into the cargo space of the vast space ships that began to land on the West Coast.
The scoop-bots spread out from Seattle like a fungus. Strangely, there was little resistance, and no panic. Most humans had been pre-conditioned by contact with computers and the internet; Many years before, the aliens had purposely crashed space ships that contained computer chips. Government and industry developed ways to make better and better copies of the alien chips, but never completely understood how they worked. The alien chips included hard programming that created the scoop-bots. The internet and high-level software was used by them to control and condition the minds of the users. When the scoop-bots appeared, most people continued to network on Facebook and MySpace until the filaments hit them. All humans could feel the soothing alien message softly repeating in their brains, "You are our cattle. You are our meat. We will take you now..." The aliens were VERY confident of their success.
I found myself and my whole extended family wearing camoflage uniforms. Suddenly, we remembered that we were always in a secret military unit designed to defeat the scoop-bot attack. We set up synchronized, timed devices (that we never before knew we had) and went back to our old family home in Virginia (which we somehow still owned). We arrived, and the basement of the home transformed itself into an armadillo-shaped fortress under the house, impervious to scoop-bot attack.
When the scoop-bot filaments were fully deployed, we knew they would be most vulnerable. At that moment, the small nuclear bombs we had set would launch and detonate above the atmosphere. The electromagnetic pulse (EMP) would destroy every scoop-bot and free all remaining humans--but also destroy every computer on the planet. We were VERY confident of our success.
However without thinking, I took my laptop into the bunker. "It would be a shame to lose all my files and documents." I thought. I put the laptop inside a metal box. "Maybe the EMP won't wipe out my laptop in there."
Dream ends before the EMP hits.
This dream was a few action scenes with a lot of background information that was just 'there.' Main features to me are the sudden, unexpected event; the very surprising reactions and non-reactions; That we were doing things we did not know we could do; that both sides were WAY TOO CONFIDENT of success; That all our carefully made plans can be destroyed by one thoughtless action (ie., me taking my laptop into the bunker).

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