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Girl Friend's 2012 Dream
This dream is my Girlfriend's dream. She told me about it on October 11th, 2010. As the entire dream played out in her mind she noticed sad heavenly music play in the background. Her parents droped her, her brother, and sister off at her aunt's house (this aunt no longer lives in this paticular house) and drove away. This is unlike him since he sort of has a survivalist mentality about him, and would have normaly stuck together with his family. Nobody was in the house, and she began to unpack all the stuff they brought. However, all they brought was clothes; no food, water, or anything else useful. She knew that this was "2012" at this point of the dream in a sort of dream-logic sort of way. Suddenly, the earth beneath them began to shake, and the floor below them began to crack open. She was bearly able to jump accross from the hallway to the front door as the ground beneath shook open. Shelanded on all fours and noticed a crack open-up inbetween her hands: she looked down the crack and saw lava rising from the ground. Shequickly got up, and the siblings ran to a parked car that their dad had left them as part of some escape plan. However, the earth was shaking so much that the tires popped off. They tried to start the car, but it wouldn't start. Finally, they started walking East down the street while observing all the destruction. She noticed that she did not bring her cross necklace, and feeling hopeless she dropped the stuff she was carrying. She raised her head and cried out to God, and her sister did the same. At that moment, she felt accepting of death.
Just as a side note, she hasn't watched the 2012 movie since it was playing in the theaters awhile ago, and niether of us liked it so we don't talk about it everytime. So I don't this it was an influence. Also, we live in Southern California if that matters, as sort of a point of reference.

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