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Danger Danger
I was in obscure military compound. I was an MP, it was night time, I was guarding something (not sure what it was)

Well the base gets attacked my other American forces (seemed to me like black ops) they start shooting everyone. I my self get shot in the back, but sense I was wearing a flak jacket I survive. The shooter comes to me turns me around and shots me in the chest. I pass out then I wake up, (its day time) and all I see around me are dead military forces. I stand up and sneak out the compound with a few other survivors. We all get in a car and ram the outer gate to get out of the compound, This is where paranoia kicks in (I thought all those in the car where with the black ops) so I jump out the car while it is still moving. Then I accidentally meet a former superior enlisted military member I know (in real life). I tell him what is happening but he refuses to listen to the whole story of what happened. I walk with him to the compound and that where it skips to where we are in a car with him. Am driving and I start coughing out glass shards.

(I wake up and my throat hurts a lot.)

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