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Night draws near
I am sleeping and feel the urge to wander. first I get up and go get a cup of coffee then look outside. in the distance I see a foggy mist Rolling in. everything is still.. quiet so quiet where are the stars. I don't see the stars in the sky just dark. Is it cloudy and the mist rolls on coming closer.Thoughts of the ancients and the campfire visits of deamons and dragons come to mind the night is so dark. Morning comes and what is wrong the sun coming up in the south east instead of the east. why does everything seem different what a crazy dream this is to go and turn on the tv only to find there isn't any power.
People all wandering into the streets to look at the morning sunrise all questioning the same thing. why the change what was going on. Then I wake up only to realize the dream of a dream was s dream.

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