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I am standing on the edge of a windswept beach, with white barrack type buildings in the background. It is very lonely and cold, I'm wearing a soft shawl pulled around me to keep the biting wind at bay. When I turn to go inside the building, I ams truck by how isolated and lonely it is - where there should be families and children and plenty of action , there is no one outside. When I go into the building, it is warm, but echoingly empty - there are some people but not many, it is as if we've been decimated by something and oly a few of us are left at this site. I am supposed to be teaching survival skills, how to grind the wheat to make bread and how to use the supplies that we have to survive. I know I can do it, but it is going to be hard and not everyone is going to make it - there aren't enough supplies and not enough antibiotics.

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