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3:13 A.M.
I have had reaccuring dreams in which I wake from and it's 3:13 a.m. I have felt there is some conection between the dream and time of awakening. One particular dream I was sleeping beside my daughter but had left my body. My daughter had also left her body and was sitting on the edge of the bed focused on the doorway. She was in a trance of some kind and I was floating above both bodies lying in the bed. As I looked at the doorway 2 dark shadow figures were there and I was extremely frightened. I was trying to get back in and body but was parilyzed. I was yelling to my daughter to call 911 that I was dying but she did not hear me because of the trance she was in from these shadow beings. When I awoke I was drenched with sweat and shivering cold. It was 3:13 a.m. My daughter was still sound asleep in bed beside me. I was afraid to go back to sleep in fear I might die. So I got up and stayed awake for 2 hrs. before feeling safe enough to return to sleep. My b-day also being 3/13 might have some connection with this all? Not sure yet. Have had multiple coincidences involving 3:13, Hotel rooms, waking, b-day seeing it on the clock every day. To many to be coincidence. It has become so natural in my life that if it was to stop I would feel something was wrong.

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