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I gave birth to 2 cat hybrids.
This dream was just plain funky.
The setting was similar to a school or indoor mall. Lots of rooms, halls & people. I was with my husband, walking around, talking with people. Suddenly things went black for me. I thought maybe I fell asleep. I awoke walking around on some unfamiliar street (still indoors) & I realized I was pregnant. I can no longer bare children, so being pregnant was very scary. I knew this pregnancy was not human. I could feel a connection to them, they were cat-like.
I found my husband & was trying to find out what he remembered of my disappearance. Everything around me began moving & changing, went black, then I awoke in another part of this place again & I was giving birth.
I don't remember anyone helping me give birth, but the hybrids were on a metal table. They seemed barely alive to me. One was bright red & white & had large eyes. The eyes were round with white color to the ball of the eye, but the iris & pupilwere a shiny, round black. The other hybrid was black, yellow & white with the same type of eyes. They could stand upright like humans & had hands to hold things. I felt sorry for them, they were afraid & confused. I did not feel a mother like connection to them, just concern for their well being.
Again I was moved to another hallway. There was a woman (tall, heavy set, auburn hair), she knows what happened but is acting as if nothing happened. I turn to walk away & try to find the hybrids. I run into a man, he comes across like a doctor or professor. He has the hybrids & he's trying to not let on, to me, where they are, but I persist.
That's when I wake up thoroughly confused.

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