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Leaving the flood behind, heading for high ground.
I was standing on what I felt was the south bank of a river that runs through a town. I am looking uphill toward the main street of the town there is a roadway between me and the some multi story glass buildings with people working in them. It is not raining, but it has been recently and the air is full of moisture and the sky is gray and low. The river to my back was running high and fast. This all looked vaguely like the layout of the river through Lawrence, but first, we don't have glass-multi story buildings anywhere in town, and there with but 3 exceptions, the buildings down town are no more than 3 stories. Anyway, suddenly, the glass buildings start filling with water and the people inside start climbing stairways trying to get above the water. I turn away from the flood... which strangely is happening on the high ground and yet down by the river where I was, the water was still mostly within the banks. 15 or 20 people are sitting in camp chairs or on the ground on blankets watching the river. They all have packs and all are dressed for cool weather hiking... the temperature is cool but not cold. These people felt like "my people" -- my "tribe". We watch the water a while and then one of the people, a man, stands up and says "Ok, Let's go; you know what to take." we picked up our stuff, rolled blankets, packed up and started walking upriver. End of dream.
The thing that bothered me about this dream the most was the direction we were walking "upriver" ... it was east. But for rivers here in the Midwest "downriver" is east. I recently had a dream about moving to Oregon (which was similarly clear and real) and I think between the two of these dreams I get it now... spouse and I are headed west, but why or when I do not know... I i do feel that the flood dream is after some kind of world changing disaster because, well, that is how it felt. Not that we were leaving the flood behind but that we were leaving "everything" behind.
Note that this is the second flood dream I've had.

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