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In Coming Asteroid Newscast
I had a dream that started with a newsflash of a large incoming asteroid that was going to impact the earth. The Newscast seemed to have a red aura in the screen, then there was as second newscast with the same red aura with the newscaster stating that the asteroid would was projected to strike off a location showing a map which looked like southern Mexico;/the Balize area For some reason I could see the image of the asteroid, it was oval/elongated in shape. I had a sense of calm and panic at t he same time in the dream. In the next part of the dream I was standing on a shore type location with a co-worker and I explained that the news stated there was an incoming asteroid within 24 hours. He was next pointing out to the ocean and stating look. There was a quick image of a black item in the sky that was unclear, but more important there was a stream of ships, one after the other leaving the shore locations going out to sea.

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