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Startling Fish
I have Apneaq and use a CPAP and so do not dream very much.
I don't get much REM sleep and wake frequently at night, and so when I have any dreams it is unusual to me.
This dream was very short duration in just the last seconds of sleep before waking this morning. I cannot emphasze enough how fast this ws, and then i immediately woke. It will take way longer to tell it that it took to see it.

I was on a point of land on a dry dirt road, not too dusty, just a dirt road.
I perceived I was on an levee above water but could not see the water in front of me or to my right.
The levee or point I was on went so far and turned left and the road followed the edge of the levee. The sky was clear, blue and sunny, but not too warm. It was morning. There were no trees in my view. The grass was yellow, waste high, and gone to seed on both sides of the road, and down to the water on my right. Again, I knew the water was there, but not if it was a lake, sea or river. I could percieve being 6-10 feet above the water level on the levee.
As I walked to the point where the levee and road turned, a bird, a fowl, flew from over the water to my left, flying not high, right to left.
I perceived the bird to ba about as high as power lines on housing area wood poles, about 30 feet up. The bird was only a small black silohet of I think a waterfowl like a small duck.
As it neared the edge of the levee, a fish that I recognized as a barracuda or muskelunge (fresh-water barracuda, like a giant pike) came out of the water like a missle, and struck the bird. The bird was not large only a mouthfull for the fish. The fish did not take it in its mouth but struck it and they both went to ground on the road in front of me about a hundred or so feet away.
The Scene had a sepia tent but I saw the color of the sky, the grass, and the sun. The fish was silver and huge, 6-8 feet, 2-300 lbs, thick bodied, with three sets of fins down its sides. I still did not see the water, but a huge trail of water a spray came up in the air behind the fish. The fish hit the ground, turned and took the downed bird in its mouth, and leaped back into the air like it came in an arc about as high as the bird flew, back from the roud, down below the grass horizon, and out of sight.
I was stunned like a car crash had happened in front of me. The sound of the splash as the fish cleared water, the thud as it hit ground, the concusion of a body that big hitting fround and displaceing air, and then the thrust back into the air, made me step back as if to lose ny bakance and fall on ny rear, I took a step back and squated and ducked as if the fish could have knocked me off ny feet, but it was actually far enough down the road that it was nore a startle response than a concussion.
Once the fish and bird dissapeared down the embankment to my right I heard the splash as it reentered the water, almost as a roar of rapids or a waterfall.
Then it was over and I awoke.

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