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Dallas long sleeves/
Night of Aug 22

"I will dream about the significant event occurring in Dallas within the next six months."

I was getting ready for school, probably high school. I graduated in 91. School was just starting and I was already wearing long sleeves. Because it is a dream I can"t find any of my classes or tell time. I"m suddenly at work. Work in labs. But for some reason was at a kitchen in a small house. Wore a sleeveless shirt because it is normally hot. Had to put a sweater on because of the cold.

Suddenly at a hospital then an university. A fundraiser was going on. The entertainment was an act featuring Arddy the Aardvark. Couldn"t fathom what kind of act an aardvark could do, but it was a charity so I wasn"t concerned. The entertainment is mostly for the children who would be tickled just to see an aardvark eating ants and termites, actually so would I. I don"t really care for people training wild animals anyway. Even seeing eye dogs and rescue dogs are picked for their temperament, not just forcefully trained.

I have been having dreams where ordinarily decent people have been cruel to animals. I won"t record these because I don"t subject people to reading them or myself to writing them.

I think the way I felt throughout the dream is frustration and bewilderment at the constant change. I usually don"t feel strong emotions when shocking events take place. I usually feel a little detached or like I"m experiencing something unreal. I can think and act normally but I suppose it is an instinct to delay the emotional response.

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