10-23-2014, 12:23 PM
Not sure what to make of this run. We have two words that tip over our 2,500% trigger, but clarity is VERY lacking. If we had more dreamers, we would most certainly begin some incubations along these lines, but we do have many other missions ongoing at the moment. Therefore, we do need to be selective for what we decide to investigate. At this point, Luck Agent could mean many things in terms of new events, so we’ll move on to the other word that seems somewhat impressive here: Powers. We have at least three words all surging together along these lines: Abilities, Powers, and Powered. There are many hidden groupings in here, so don’t be put off by lack of interest in them. I just happened to like the very bottom of the list…a positive island of sorts. Have fun with this list!
Plain text
10/23/2014 %Change from Ave % Change from Yesterday
agent 227.3% 2700.0%
lucky 180.4% 2700.0%
sowing 125.3% 1300.0%
struck 93.4% 1300.0%
heaven 175.4% 1250.0%
abilities 91.2% 1200.0%
press 205.2% 700.0%
awesome 92.6% 575.0%
hilarious 80.4% 500.0%
completed 73.6% 500.0%
episode 69.7% 500.0%
action 100.9% 366.7%
mini 76.2% 366.7%
lightning 84.7% 275.0%
orange 228.5% 258.3%
provocative 126.7% 250.0%
accident 102.0% 209.1%
com 108.1% 180.0%
forget 154.2% 163.6%
annoying 116.6% 157.1%
thanks 146.2% 142.9%
chat 132.4% 142.9%
stomach 97.1% 140.0%
packed 80.6% 133.3%
thank 71.2% 133.3%
yes 145.7% 132.1%
brief 109.9% 130.0%
powers 106.1% 130.0%
wed 174.2% 128.0%
guide 83.7% 118.2%
powered 150.4% 115.0%
positive 134.7% 112.5%
imagination 78.8% 111.1%
island 55.9% 110.0%
type 62.0% 103.3%
star 95.8% 100.0%
Plain text
10/23/2014 %Change from Ave % Change from Yesterday
agent 227.3% 2700.0%
lucky 180.4% 2700.0%
sowing 125.3% 1300.0%
struck 93.4% 1300.0%
heaven 175.4% 1250.0%
abilities 91.2% 1200.0%
press 205.2% 700.0%
awesome 92.6% 575.0%
hilarious 80.4% 500.0%
completed 73.6% 500.0%
episode 69.7% 500.0%
action 100.9% 366.7%
mini 76.2% 366.7%
lightning 84.7% 275.0%
orange 228.5% 258.3%
provocative 126.7% 250.0%
accident 102.0% 209.1%
com 108.1% 180.0%
forget 154.2% 163.6%
annoying 116.6% 157.1%
thanks 146.2% 142.9%
chat 132.4% 142.9%
stomach 97.1% 140.0%
packed 80.6% 133.3%
thank 71.2% 133.3%
yes 145.7% 132.1%
brief 109.9% 130.0%
powers 106.1% 130.0%
wed 174.2% 128.0%
guide 83.7% 118.2%
powered 150.4% 115.0%
positive 134.7% 112.5%
imagination 78.8% 111.1%
island 55.9% 110.0%
type 62.0% 103.3%
star 95.8% 100.0%