Intention- incubation for MOON, foxes, waves.
Dream lasted all night it seemed and as one long metaphor, hence the two dates.
My mother called me to pay a visit. She passed over at 79. She asked me to go get her some cigarettes as she was out. I commented that cigarettes were not good for her. She laughed and said, " Honey, I am dead what difference does that make?". Check.
She always loved making me laugh. She doesn't come to visit often, only when its important.
Mom also asked that before I go, would I get her a cup of coffee. It looked like she was in a hospital or institution of some sort, not as a patient, more as staff (not staph).
I went to a kitchenette for coffee pot and cups. None. Any cups evaporated in my hand. No faucets either or water dispenser. Curious. I had to tell mom that there wasn't anything to make coffee or bring it in. She told me to get some at the store.
Off I went.
Wow, gee- where did thatwater come from?
Inundation- lots of people in the water, furniture, debris. How will I get across this mess?
I did.
No stores left to buy anything.
Back across the water to tell mom the disappointing news. Well, she is no longer alive so what should it matter?
In the water that smells foul, lots of foam and more people. A huge wave appears to scoop me up. It knew me!
I saw a broader view of the devastation on top of the wave. I saw camps (like Haiti), barbed wire fences, desert.
The wave gently dropped me down at dry land.
I returned to my mother who was now with another friend Virginia, who passed over at the age of 79. I miss them both.
The both passed over in New Mexico, that told me location, Southwest.
I was confused about the water so went to a 'Meetin' to get answers. The Firekeeper, name was 'Two Foxes'(day residue?) at the door of the teepee handed me a button telling me there will be no 'tea' as there is no more water to make tea. I have to eat the button dry. Also there will be cornmeal after Morning Water but no meat as there were no animals left alive to use. Morning Water was symbolic as there was no more water either. White man's big ways have now taken what little water was left.
so that was it.
The desert has little or no water. What is there is now unusable. Why the wave and devastation there are no large bodies of water around for a tsunami event in that location?
Two Foxes told me the answers are in plain sight. Water is like gold, the most valuable element on earth. Nothing can live without it.
My mother's birthday was September. She passed in April.
Virginia's birthday was April, she passed in September. hmmmm 7+9=16
The September moon- phases- taurus through gemini, cancer, leo- starting September 2 into part of 9/11 and 16 days from that to a full moon eclipse on the 27th.
We will see much illness, loss of life, destruction. What little water there is will be unusable unless one digs a hole and burrows in.
Intention- incubation for MOON, foxes, waves.
Dream lasted all night it seemed and as one long metaphor, hence the two dates.
My mother called me to pay a visit. She passed over at 79. She asked me to go get her some cigarettes as she was out. I commented that cigarettes were not good for her. She laughed and said, " Honey, I am dead what difference does that make?". Check.
She always loved making me laugh. She doesn't come to visit often, only when its important.
Mom also asked that before I go, would I get her a cup of coffee. It looked like she was in a hospital or institution of some sort, not as a patient, more as staff (not staph).
I went to a kitchenette for coffee pot and cups. None. Any cups evaporated in my hand. No faucets either or water dispenser. Curious. I had to tell mom that there wasn't anything to make coffee or bring it in. She told me to get some at the store.
Off I went.
Wow, gee- where did thatwater come from?
Inundation- lots of people in the water, furniture, debris. How will I get across this mess?
I did.
No stores left to buy anything.
Back across the water to tell mom the disappointing news. Well, she is no longer alive so what should it matter?
In the water that smells foul, lots of foam and more people. A huge wave appears to scoop me up. It knew me!
I saw a broader view of the devastation on top of the wave. I saw camps (like Haiti), barbed wire fences, desert.
The wave gently dropped me down at dry land.
I returned to my mother who was now with another friend Virginia, who passed over at the age of 79. I miss them both.
The both passed over in New Mexico, that told me location, Southwest.
I was confused about the water so went to a 'Meetin' to get answers. The Firekeeper, name was 'Two Foxes'(day residue?) at the door of the teepee handed me a button telling me there will be no 'tea' as there is no more water to make tea. I have to eat the button dry. Also there will be cornmeal after Morning Water but no meat as there were no animals left alive to use. Morning Water was symbolic as there was no more water either. White man's big ways have now taken what little water was left.
so that was it.
The desert has little or no water. What is there is now unusable. Why the wave and devastation there are no large bodies of water around for a tsunami event in that location?
Two Foxes told me the answers are in plain sight. Water is like gold, the most valuable element on earth. Nothing can live without it.
My mother's birthday was September. She passed in April.
Virginia's birthday was April, she passed in September. hmmmm 7+9=16
The September moon- phases- taurus through gemini, cancer, leo- starting September 2 into part of 9/11 and 16 days from that to a full moon eclipse on the 27th.
We will see much illness, loss of life, destruction. What little water there is will be unusable unless one digs a hole and burrows in.