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write the letters
08/20/2015 AM
Mood: all over the place
Location: starts at home

Write the letters

1) I am in my home office. I am a semi-well know author (only to my family in real life). I am told by an assistant that someone, she said the name, from my past has called and wants a meet. I have no idea who this person is. She tells me he said “I have to make her write the letters.” I have no desire to speak to him. He becomes a sort of stalker, he calls almost every day, he tells her where I have been, what I was wearing and who I was with. I finally get angry and take his meeting but, I don’t let him talk. I yell at him to leave me alone, I rage at him. When I am taking a breath to continue yelling he says “Write the letters.” (I them jump to new dream.)

2) I am at home watching TV. I am watching a show that I did watch last night in waking life. The show had two groups of people fighting over the possession of a town. At the end of my version the main character turns to the camera and says “They need to write the letters.”

3) I am watching a video that I watched yesterday on line. At the end the “Rock” looks into the camera and says “Write the letter.” It was about Bambi and reverse hunting.

4) I am at an airport. A man walks up to me and says “Did you write the letter?”
5) I am with a friend and she wants to exchange letters.

Husband woke me up.

I know in my life what the “letters” mean. I had ask my Mother when she was ill and dying if she would write me a personal message in a letter for me to keep as a tangible thing from her. Her last words to me so to speak. She did.

I know that in war times our soldiers often write “last letters” for their family in case of their deaths and they trade them to their friends.

The messages of these dreams seem to say “WRITE YOUR LETTERS”.

At the end my mood is very sad and tears are nearly here.
Did you hold a proj September intention?
yes. I have put in a project Sept. all week but my attempts to sleep have been so disrupted with thought chains that I took a larger dose of sleeping aid this morning/last night that I finally got some much needed sleep and this is what I got.

*thought chain = one thought leads to an image leads to a thought leads to new image to new thought .... etc until I give up trying to sleep. Each image needs an explanation and leads to new thoughts. It is a bad habit I developed when I was stressed. I suffer the lack of control over my mind sometimes/often.
Of course your mood is sad, that seems very understandable. Esholars, write your letters. The action will be a loving gesture. Write them with love and hope. They will be a gift to you and yours. Write them now, before the opportunity is lost. They are as much for you as they are for your loved ones. They will be beautiful gifts that only you can give. They will give you some peace of mind. They will be healing for everyone.
Concur with TB9. There's a big message in this dream. Sounds like the universe capitalized on your sleep medication to give you this message.

I tried to move this thread to the Project September thread, but it wouldn't let me. I imagine its probably because the permissions are different. Oh well. DFs just remember this one is here.
if you have moved it do I need to delete this one thread?
ok, thank you. I had thought I had it in the right place. glad you fixed it. Now I have to go write.
Windy, thank you. It gave me an error message when I did it. Did you move it as a thread or did you select all of the posts and move all the posts together?

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