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9/7/15 Red Alert: Hostile Arrows to (or from) another Dimension
Trending: bow hostile arrow object catching dimension target suspicious low impressed solid mon electronic race sweet blank canyon hello pregnant perhaps father enemy theater soldiers protect tall nostalgia september goal rest sure taylor partner japan ignored obama tied lucid bread gives
Waning: properly bank rain poor wave drop same rock comp swim kiss sexy talk nap when hate fri remind sinking knife gab tree women hug wed brain proper camera few august july fighting crazy music baseball

<------ DISCUSSION ----->
When I read the top Red Alert words, I saw the Orion constellation with Orion, the hunter, holding his bow. Some would say that Orion is of hostile origin, just like the bot is saying. The other key word for me is Dimension. Scientists have located a star factory in the Orion Nebula, which to me infers a specific gateway to other dimensions. There’s a good chance I’m wrong since I’m temporarily out of synch with the universe. Not to worry. Maybe one more week and I’ll be back as a better, stronger, more whole, more creative, more ME than ever before.

Finally, don’t forget group 1 below.

For more details about these DreamBot runs, please see:

For the past few days I've been getting bits and pieces of visions that equal "secret enemy". I think it has something to do with the planet as a whole. A Native American tribe (I don't know who) knows what it is. The only emotion I have felt about this is one of a reporter, with a slight bit of anxiety, reporting the facts. The anxiety comes from the need to report with neither adding to or deleting from any of what I see and feel. Just the facts, thank you.
(09-07-2015, 10:05 AM)Eagle1 Wrote: Trending: bow hostile arrow object catching dimension target suspicious low impressed solid mon electronic race sweet blank canyon hello pregnant perhaps father enemy theater soldiers protect tall nostalgia september goal rest sure taylor partner japan ignored obama tied lucid bread gives
Waning: properly bank rain poor wave drop same rock comp swim kiss sexy talk nap when hate fri remind sinking knife gab tree women hug wed brain proper camera few august july fighting crazy music baseball

bow hostile arrow object catching dimension target suspicious low impressed seems to talk about a ship getting a perhaps unexpected shot across the bow, catching a dimensional target, possibly a cloaked target flying low, an impressive shot. This could be a ship anywhere, space, land, ocean, virtual. Maybe the good side just made an advance?

suspicious low impressed solid mon electronic race which electric race are we talking here, the global finance race, or equally the weather wars? both could be valid because well "tsunami rose hawaii" and there was 5 simultaneous hurricaines in the pacific this week, that look like roses from the sattelite shot in space. Man is gaining alot of skill in weather manipulation.

sweet blank canyon hello pregnant perhaps father looking for a reference for this canyon, Black canyon comes up as a place the elites/military might consider as a base due the hostility of the terrain.

enemy theater soldiers protect tall nostalgia september goal the propaganda is thick with this one as the powers that be continue to push their goals.

rest sure taylor partner japan ignored obama japan ignoring Obama? good for them! despite the dire straits they are in.

tied lucid bread gives properly bank rain poor wave, drop same rock comp swim supplies with strings attached being given to the migrant waves, also dropping rocks on or around them to complicate their journeying with obstacles. What is the bread and how is it lucid.

kiss sexy talk nap when hate fri remind sinking knife the smack talk stops when people are reminded of the knife currently sinking into them, possibly the people will take action and rise up now.

gab tree women hug wed brain group of talking women really like something intelligent mentioned Wednesday. Is the bot telling us to watch this Wednesday 's run or susequent analyses

proper camera few august july fighting crazy music baseball There has been little truthful camera/news footage this summer on all the places fighting in the world. Instead we get crap music and baseball!
There is a Black Canyon "city" in Arizona, 40 minutes north of downtown Phoenix.  
Orion, interesting that you thought of Orion Eagle.  I was just reading about Orion and the Hopi beliefs and connection with Orion.
The word Obama, not Barry, is in the run.  Has Obama actually been there before? This caught my eye.
tied lucid bread gives- does this relate to giving food to migrants in Europe?  The poor? Does it have to do with partner japan ignore or is that something else? odd.
gab tree women hug - Is this about women giving an environmental speech?
music and baseball...again
congrats on your takes here.
Let me add to this mix if I may- Its a different perspective I wish I could say was great insight, however it doesn't take
an IQ of a brain surgeon to look around and figure it out. Its called connecting the dots as the dominoes fall.
Here we go -->

looky here at the linguistics- I ask the question: What is real agenda? that the bot runs may be hinting that points to a Porject Sept meme of relocation-.conveniently many are coming on boats (with a bow)

Migrant crisis: Trek through Austria to Germany resumes
Hundreds of migrants have resumed their journey through Austria to Germany after Hungary's decision on Friday to let them through.
... ]Refugee Crisis by the Numbers

I recently saw a post from a man who put it succinctly- "Does everyone understand why all these articles are using the Words like Refugees, Hostages, Migrants, Illegals, aliens etc.... Its because they don't want you to feel any emotion. compassion or feelings of Identity, they're just Refugees Migrants Trash, they don't matter, its called the word association game, it part of the Subliminal programming they use on all of us everyday. they are just words, right, but the fact is these are real people..."

This is global, not just European- borders are melting away all over perhaps by design, after all we are one planet- EARTH, a species of one planet not multi-continents chopped up off planet. Could this be Divine intervention or an agenda- you decide. Is the glass half full or empty?

Perusing the most recent botruns of this time period, I do interestingly see that very little emotional terms are used beyond sad, terrifying, scary, anxiety, and only one run hosts positive subconscious happy, peacefuldemons, vampires, *lol*
Granted the bot runs stem from the subconscious, where did our emotional grip go ? - are we subliminally desensitized to it all or is this the proverbial create a problem, then a solution manipulation?

Let's look at this set of data unfolding the past week and a recent botrun (9/2/15) of catholics and oracles-
I can't help to wonder if Rock that crops up is symbolic of the papacy- wasn't it Peter who was the Rock of Rome? I am not talking the wrestler, or even Jerusalem- I am specifically pointing out 'Il Papa'.
for example:
The 2030 Agenda: This Month The UN Launches A Blueprint For A New World Order With The Help Of The Pope

Lets peer at something aside from headlines yet at work in the background may possibly be-
...Members of the United Nations, or recognized by the United States or the United Kingdom  having a bank account anywhere on the planet, consider now that a Motu Propria is the highest legal instrument, no question.
Motu Proprio of Francis and why by Rule of Law means no one can be above the Law
couple this with the recent
Dow plunge, Greece debacle, growing European financial downturn.....hmmm.
Then noodle around the global military exercises happening here, Alaska straights, South America, Asia, Ukraine, et al.

Is it starting to look like the picture on the front of the puzzle box yet or are we too distracted watching the dominoes fall?
As I look for the arrow shot across the bow I connect dots.

food for thought.

I've been looking without luck for the dream about BREAD last year.
Was it Iris or Elyse or who- that dreamt of a lady (mother) in a room and going through a doorway
made of bread.
I immediately associated that with 'manna' and a spiritual connotation of flowing into a higher
level of consciousness.
There was another botrun, sometime this summer, which had something to thought of as manna also. I will try and find it.
Here is a dream of Sherriann's.
Wait! I think I found what you were looking for AD. The intent was Sept, but from last year. Perhaps the year wasn't mentioned for the intent.
(09-07-2015, 06:31 PM)twiceblessed9 Wrote: There was another botrun, sometime this summer, which had something to thought of as manna also. I will try and find it.
Here is a dream of Sherriann's.
Wait!  I think I found what you were looking for AD. The intent was Sept, but from last year.  Perhaps the year wasn't mentioned for the intent.
Wow lucid bread!! We need to keep our wits about us, to not be swept away!
"Wait! I think I found what you were looking for AD. The intent was Sept, but from last year. Perhaps the year wasn't mentioned for the intent."

THAT's IT TB 9, that's the one. I just didn't go far enough into the year. THANK YOU!. wow
yes it is possible to dream precog this far ahead is it not? Elyse- you rock!

There is a faction of female priests now in this country that I know of- my cousin is one of them. So- yes a pregnant 'father'/priest is possible. The Vatican doesn't recognize them officially (the enemy?).
bow hostile arrow object catching dimension target - I believe this has to do with the following amazing story.

Last month, a wild elephant and two of his friends were attacked by poachers. Wounded by poisoned arrows, they trudged across the African landscape to the one place that could help them: the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust (DSWT).

Though the wild elephant had never been a resident at DSWT, he knew elephants who had. He had mated with two former orphans who were raised at DSWT's Ithumba Reintegration Centre, who now lead their own wild herd. In 2011, he fathered babies with them, whom DSWT named Mwende and Yetu.
And DSWT is certain he knew this group of humans meant help.

Anna Breytenbach is an animal communicator who has extensive knowledge of elephants through many years of communicating with them.
"Elephants are connected to each other in an expanded family sense and are also very connected to the collective consciousness and to the earth energy. They also appear to have chosen a deliberate interface with humankind. They are an “indicator species” and are thought to be gauges of human consciousness. The way we handle elephant conservation can be interpreted as how far we have advanced as a species. Through conflict situations with humans they show us what we humans need to see...
Another important aspect to their wisdom is that they hold on land what the whales hold in the sea. They are working “trunk in fin” with the whales as keepers of ancient wisdom and knowledge. As the elephants walk the gridlines and leylines rumbling their songs, so the whales weave the earth energy lines together under the sea with their calling and their songs. The stability of the earth’s grid depends on these two species being allowed to do their very important, selfless work."

- See more at:
bow hostile arrow object catching dimension target

we had a Proj September dreamer with this dream of bows and arrows-

white bows/arrows with red hearts.
Yes, we did! Good point!
Was it Sherriann or Julie that recently dreamt of an Elephant?

Hold on

In my return of dreambot run perusal, this one bugged me so much I put it in this machine's favs. list and upon rereading it, it screams of CERN, possibly.
If not, this thing is drenched in metaphors.
But, has this fullfilled with a headline, yet? Or, shudder to think what CERN may be resurrecting this coming Easter.

Found this and it may apply even if only peripherally. (No, I do NOT understand M-Theory yet, have more reading to do and likely asking son-in-law to give it to me in elementary lingo. Big Grin )

Now, this is where it gets really delicious. This link with the one above and though this may be my emptiest hunch, they also may go-together for this bot run, dunno.

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