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Overlaps hit my house tonight
This could have been a dream but was in fact real.
My daughter and I were watching the last 25 minutes of The Walking Dead tonight when all of a sudden the power goes off. The entire neighborhood. The stars were bright , the moon was coming up and that was about all of the light we could see. I immediately began to think about the NDC and power outage forecasts. Well, no sooner had I lit candle number 3 ( around 12 minutes after the power went out) when the house shook, a nice little shake. It was an earthquake. A 4.1 followed a short while later with a 4.0. Both felt and felt with no power. This was followed by the coyotes deciding to go wild. I am not sure if they decided to go after a rabbit or it was because of the quake. My teenage daughter was not amused, though I think she was just as bothered by the fact that we couldn't finished The Walking Dead. Well, the power is back on after being out for 2 hours, I am recording the rebroadcast and all is quiet.
We don't get earthquakes in Phoenix. First one I felt since moving here over 20 years ago. I did feel the HUGE Northridge quake. This one tonight was like the difference between a sprinkle of rain and a hurricane.
So, for a moment tonight, I had to wonder if I was experiencing a bunch of NDC overlaps all by myself. haha
Note to self, the 6 flashing lights we USED to have apparently have disappeared or are without batteries. MUST GET NEW BATTERIES AND LIGHTS.
Big Grin
Felt the quake near Falcon Field as well. It was a lift and thud. Makes three for the day... USGS lists them near Black Canyon City 5-6.5km deep. First for me, too. Startled the wife and we were worried that the baby would be woken up...

Trying to search forum for any dreams about this... no one for me so far.

Another curious thing... It took nearly 30 mins. for the USGS site to show the 4.1. I wonder if the recent rains contributed to this with the extra moisture up the I17?

Curious to see if we gat anymore...
Good to hear that it was not strong enough to cause damage in your area.

PS - Crayons burn well in an emergency situation.
Thanks Filmstrip for commenting today, nice to hear from a fellow Arizonian. It seems to have been felt over a wide range. I also wonder what triggered it because it is so unusual for our area. I am glad your baby didn't wake. If you do have a dream in the future, please share it. Big Grin

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