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11/25/15 Flash Multiple
Trending: flash multiple stealing balls tracks minivan van tonight guard group welcome added alt pile desire tongue speed dream performance gives pay think view best mostly alarm ends consider bout states hoodie god magic awakening master really say finding over experiment
Waning: sexy third form movie chocolate need picked snow physical odyssey detailed means date cancel future son meditation truck man mental story yeah okay office male experience epic subconscious energy versus father focus david consciousness intent

<----- DISCUSSION ----->
I spent a little bit of time trying to tidy up the presentation and make the bot run picture a little clearer. Not sure if I succeeded. Today’s run starts with Flash Multiple. More terrorism again? By the way, guns and bombs aren’t the only things that produce multiple flashes. Firecrackers also produce flash multiple, as can be seen by the latest Paris video. I couldn’t believe this video! It apparently shows surveillance video of a café during the ‘shooting spree.’ Meanwhile, a lady is caught on camera tossing what appears to be firecrackers into a café, and then running to hide behind the counter to evade the 'gunshots' that she produced! Interestingly, the concert ended up being firecrackers too! Send me a message if you want the link to the video.

Why are Van and Minvan right next to each other?  The travel meme continues because Van, Minivan and Odyssey are present. Not only that, I’m afraid that Group 1 is expecting some major snow related delays. I hope this isn’t referring to me!!

For more details about these DreamBot runs, please see:

Comments on the new picture are welcome. Is the picture too small? Too hard to read?
Yup, too small. :-)
I'm on my phone. Everything is too small. LOL
the height is better for scrolling, but yeah, a tad too small.   Shy Maybe only a point size larger or so to maintain what you've gained in the height? (viewed on my iPad)

another idea might be to put the biggest loser column to the right of the rest. Would give you more width to gain size and readability.....
Yup picture too small!

Trending: flash multiple stealing balls tracks minivan van tonight guard group welcome added alt pile desire tongue speed dream performance gives pay think view best mostly alarm ends consider bout states hoodie god magic awakening master really say finding over experiment
Waning: sexy third form movie chocolate need picked snow physical odyssey detailed means date cancel future son meditation truck man mental story yeah okay office male experience epic subconscious energy versus father focus david consciousness intent

I think the bot is talking to me again. My Dad's name (though he's called by his middle name) is David, and he still survives somehow, or at least the pacemaker didn't die yet? I wonder why he is still here on this plane? experience epic subconscious energy versus father focus david consciousness intent

flash multiple stealing balls
tracks minivan
van tonight guard group welcome
added alt pile
desire tongue speed
dream performance gives pay think view best
mostly alarm ends consider bout states
hoodie god magic awakening master
really say finding over experiment
sexy third form
movie chocolate need picked
snow physical odyssey
detailed means date cancel future son meditation
truck man mental story yeah okay office male
experience epic subconscious energy versus father focus david consciousness intent

I drive a minivan!! I really can't withstand someone stealing it either since I don't have another vehicle on the road currently, the rest of the spares need repairs of varying types. I could definitely use some chocolate right now, and do not want a physical odyssey in the snow because last night was bloody cold in the almost unheated rv at -26C windchill! and I work like 80km away from home currently...speaking of the nightly snow odyssey, gotta go do that commute now!
Okay, on my laptop now and yep, that picture is small.

Hoodie god magic awakening master really say finding over experiment A "faceless" god-someone we can't see just yet but possesses great power and magic-is stepping into the role of master and the great human experiment could be nearing its end?


Desire tongue speed put me right into jr. high mode. Big Grin
Son of a gun, I did wind up having a snow oddysey with my minivan! We pulled into home wednesday night and lost the power steering, so thought ok whatever must be a leak and we'll get some fluid in the morning. Next morning we get on the road and then lost the electrical too, we stopped and looked under the hood and the drive belt had been thrown off the pulleys being caked up with ice! and of course not near home with no tools. so we had to wander around in the snow seeking out who in the area might have the wrench sizes we needed to put the belt back on. apparently it's a common issue with my make and model of van for the belt to get thrown if it gets wet or caked with snow/ice. Found some wrenches to borrow and got the belt back on, then drove directly to the hardware store and bought the correct wrenches to live in the vehicle now!

Then when we got home last night, we discovered the elderly landlords had crashed their truck into our stuff while backing up in the driveway, leaving tracks through the snow, and they hit a stack of items that happened to have glass jars on top, loose, they all hit the ground and some broke in the snow, so looked like balls flashing in the moonlight when I got home and cleaned them up. I'm thinking at their age they should arrange for someone else to drive now...a couple weeks back they backed into something else and broke their tail light....
Shadewolf....indeed a miserable snow odyssey! My gosh!! Sad
(11-27-2015, 01:37 PM)Eagle1 Wrote: Shadewolf....indeed a miserable snow odyssey! My gosh!! Sad

Lol, I'm getting pretty good at changing that belt now! I also think there should be done mandatory drivers testing when you hit 70... The 90+year old man can't hear, nor drive well, and reaction times and vision may also be compromised...

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