Trending: lifestyle cannabis salad wed treasure shelf abilities superman laptop meet grocery bottom pizza pool class indicated sweet dogs computers papers easier josh love mind states miss ate drunk session tab needs specific recently christmas dry wonder contents puzzle shows reality
Waning: crush beautiful path floating notice inside wearing smile link hallway applying naked mon creature now cat form mother voice escape realize funny level closer heard days up corner makeup reading bathroom sun meeting obama adventure
<----- DISCUSSION ----->
Today’s run is all about lifestyle choices. From different types of intoxication to the various types of food and even different types of fashion (wearing vs naked), the Red Alert word has clear support throughout the run. But what are we supposed to know about lifestyle? Is the American lifestyle about to change? Maybe it’s not precognitive but just something to tell us how diverse our lifestyles are? Diversity and contradictions are abundant in this run (Computers / Papers, Love / Mind, Wearing / Naked, etc.
There is much to behold in this run, chock full of goodies and treats for us DreamForecasters.
Oops, one more thing for Nanny: Check out Group 1: Sun meeting Obama adventure. I'll let ya'll cover that one!
For more details about these DreamBot runs, please see:
Waning: crush beautiful path floating notice inside wearing smile link hallway applying naked mon creature now cat form mother voice escape realize funny level closer heard days up corner makeup reading bathroom sun meeting obama adventure
<----- DISCUSSION ----->
Today’s run is all about lifestyle choices. From different types of intoxication to the various types of food and even different types of fashion (wearing vs naked), the Red Alert word has clear support throughout the run. But what are we supposed to know about lifestyle? Is the American lifestyle about to change? Maybe it’s not precognitive but just something to tell us how diverse our lifestyles are? Diversity and contradictions are abundant in this run (Computers / Papers, Love / Mind, Wearing / Naked, etc.
There is much to behold in this run, chock full of goodies and treats for us DreamForecasters.
Oops, one more thing for Nanny: Check out Group 1: Sun meeting Obama adventure. I'll let ya'll cover that one!

For more details about these DreamBot runs, please see: