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Red Alert 4/8/16 Red Alert: A Hint of a Bank Robbery
Trending: robbery hints bank master possibly gravity fri edit sign cake posting great drive journey cream car big reactor preface colors map fast sound hey often before driveway naked quite pie apart slow child word truck deal draw form bear animal
Waning: days kitchen female able toilet were longer hit care famous road falling tip portal competition bus wall imagination request awareness cat asleep relate eating okay stress fun darn mega mon

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Woa, Master Bank robbery. Will have to watch the headlines for this one.
"robbery hints bank master" is the Fed about to actually raise the interest rate?! well, watch DC and IMF for what's about to happen, heh.

"great drive journey cream car" metaphors? or some dust storm or something about to cause one of those newsworthy, multi-auto pileups on some highway perhaps.

Noting "drive, driveway, map, journey, road, truck" all in this run.

"portal competition" still may be CERN just as another recent run.

"request awareness cat asleep" awareness in another recent run, or runs. The "cat" is asleep, what's "cat" referring to at this time? Collectively, the "class" is awakening and has been for years now.

"bear (animal) feed vampire spirit" is the bear referring to Russia here?

"eating okay stress" well, it's what a lot of us do when stressed.
robbery, bank, master

They Want Your IRA The White House pushes investors toward government accounts.
Posted By Ruth King on April 7th, 2016

They Want Your IRA
The White House pushes investors toward government accounts.

"In any case government-run plans will have their own conflicts of interest—politicians want the money—and will be expensive. "
Drive, journey, car, driveway, truck, road, bus Lots of words pertaining to travel of some sort.
One better-
look at the term possibly which in connotative reflection indicates it can or cannot happen.

consider these-
drive car great journey would one think of say- a vacation tip?

Seems the Japanese have come up with a 'test' plan to encourage tourists,
to avoid crime and terrorism- robbery, banks
A master plan at that-

cashless society, using fingerprints as money (and substitute for passport).
big reactor preface

an apparatus or structure in which fissile material can be made to undergo a controlled, self-sustaining nuclear reaction with the consequent release of energy.

a container or apparatus in which substances are made to react chemically, especially one in an industrial plant.

a person who shows an immune response to a specific antigen or an adverse reaction to a drug or other substance.

a coil or other component that provides reactance in a circuit.

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