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Tribute, RIP!
Snowee RIP
Yesterday at San Jose, Ca.

My Handsome MainCoon Kitty, born in my closet 15 years ago. You were the main man in my life for the past 15 years, you always held a spot in the bed next to me, you had your own pillow and special blanket.

Born a little white ball of fluff, with massive paws, you were the gentle soul of the litter, and the biggest!

You played gently with all the kittens that came through the door for rescue re-homing.

You loved nothing better then a rub and a kitty treat. You huffed at me when you were upset, and meowed at me when you want my attention.

When you meowed I could hear you say Mom in the meow. 6 years ago we got bad news that you had Diabetes and that you would need injections of insulin for the rest of your little life.

I learned quickly how to test your blood sugars, and how to give you the insulin injections. After a while you would purr at me for the insulin because it made your thirst go away, and made you feel better.

You started off on 3 units of insulin in the morning, and over the years your body became insulin resistant until you were up to 10 units in the morning and 10 at night.

Last week I noticed a change in you. You laid there and wouldn't get up to use the litter box any more, you went to the bathroom on yourself, everyday for the past week I would come home from work to find you had used the bathroom on yourself and on my bed, even though you had steps to get up and down from the bed, you didn't use them.

You didn't want to eat any more, all you wanted was to be petted, even covered in your own feces and urine, you just wanted to be petted and held, so every night i would wash the sheets, bath you, dry you and love on you.

I took you to the vets on April 14th 2016, and you climbed into my lap on the floor, and just wanted to be held. You were heavy weighing in at 22.5 lbs of pure main coon.

I set up a bed for you on the table in the vets office, and after you got your IV put in, and the vet left the room, you let me love on you a bit more and you walked over to the bed and laid down. You let me kiss your head (Something you always pulled away from) even though you had no pain meds at this point, and you had an IV in your arm, you laid there and purred like a motor boat.

I held you, your little head cupped into my hand when they gave you the pain meds, and gently your head lowered onto my hand and rested there.

My fingers gently tucked under your head, I could feel your little heart beat in my hands. Your purring stopped, and the vet administered your medications into the IV and I slowly felt your heart slow down in my hand until it stopped.

The Vet checked your heart and confirmed that it was no longer beating.

I took great care of your body, and it is now on ice ready to go to the Taxidermy so I can have you always with me, to lay you across my lap, and pet you and love on you, like you always love for me to do when you were in that body breathing.

I will miss watching you stalk pray in the back yard garden, and I will miss cuddling with you, and the way that you would let me wrap my arms around you and fall asleep.

Your my baby boy, I never had a human son, so you truly were my baby boy!
My little buddy and I will always cherish the years I got to spend with you and time we had to bond and grow together.

I Love You Snowee, and yes I felt my grandfather when you passed, he blew open the back door to the vets office, even though it was suppose to be closed and locked and alarmed, but the alarm did not go off. I know Grampa took you to the other side, and I know you will be waiting for me, and I will see you on the other side. XOXO, Your Human Rub Machine, that also cleaned your litter box, and family in spirit. Mitakuye Oyasin

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

Oh, Windy. It's so hard to let them go...My heart hurts for you.

What a beautiful tribute to Snowee, who was an excellent cat.
I am oddly at peace. I cried don't get me wrong, but i know he was suffering and in pain.

To lighten the mood I leave you all with these images....
These 25 Examples Of The Worst Taxidermy EVER Are Terrifying And Hilarious. #6 Is Just Ridiculous!
I'm currently living in a house that could double for a natural history museum. No kidding. There's a complete pronghorn mounted and staged on the living room wall. I swear it's looking at me every time I'm in the living room. I use the elk antlers, attached to the elk skull which is resting on the floor next to the sofa, to hold my headphones. There's even a deer head mounted in the baby nursery.

This is SO not my idea of decor.

Big Grin
Sistah Windy, sitting in bed a bit before 1am today reading this bittersweet thread of yours. Eyes teared-up but the kindle was a pain to try to type on so now I can send you some *hugs.*
Fifteen years is a wonderful amount of time that you had to share!

Gotta view your taxidermy link, still. LOL you stinker, you'd do such a thing which is one of the things that makes you one of the coolest chicks I've ever befriended!*REAL Cool Big Grin in a plastic, hypocritical world of souls.

Sigh, we lost our babies at 7 and then 12 yrs. of age. Oh, the day last May that the doc came to gently release our Shepherd from her day the stroke took her abilities, and happiness away! Good grief I just about lived in the back yard she loved so much, with her. That last hour or less, what a gift. She slowed down from pacing trying to walk normally, finally got the first drink of water in 12 hours. (She'd lost control of her head and neck, it was gut-wrenching.)
Then, instead of pacing to see if she could move normally, she sat beside me wanting nothing but to slowly sniff my hands and feet...(and breath, nutty as the may sound, I did that with my pets.) She had a peace she had not had all day. I then remembered stories of relatives and Daddy for one, about them having a much better time before passing as a gift to say goodbye, a gift for us as well as for them, ya know?

My point is that you and Snowee had this gift of course. Snowee even accepted your kiss on (his? her?) head when that had not normally been allowed.
Thank you for sharing.
So sorry for your loss Windy. I had a diabetic old girl, Sheena, who lived to be 18 1/2. I learned to test her blood sugar to regulate her, and she never minded a stick in the morning and at night. They enter our lives for such a short period, bless us with friendship, and then go home. But I believe they'll all be there for us when we go home. When my tiger Zeke passed, I had a dream that morning that I was standing facing my ex at the edge of a field. Zeke came and wound his way between us, and then bounded away into the most amazing field of flowers I had ever seen. He tuned one last time to say goodbye and then he scampered away. I woke knowing he had passed, but also knowing he was ok.
Okay, after viewing Windy's link, I gotta say that at least the dead things on the walls in this house have been well done and actually look like the animal they were. Damn, but some of those specimens in that link were the stuff of horror movies. Yow.
(04-16-2016, 11:20 PM)DLP Wrote: Okay, after viewing Windy's link, I gotta say that at least the dead things on the walls in this house have been well done and actually look like the animal they were. Damn, but some of those specimens in that link were the stuff of horror movies. Yow.

LMAO Some of those had me laughing so hard I peed myself a little...

Wait, maybe I shouldn't admit that! :|
Spouse glanced over while I was looking at those and damned near jumped off the sofa with a "Holy crap, what the hell is that thing!" Then I had to start over so he could see all of them. He kept saying "And people paid for that?" Big Grin
That is such a beautiful from the heart tribute to your cat that passed on. Thank you for sharing.

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