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what affects sleep?
Since many in this forum and on various projects as members value our sleep, I thought it would be 'handy' to
start some input here on what affects sleep.
The nurse in me knows some physical elements; perhaps the psychologists, nutritionists- naturopaths, therapists, et al know other factors.
Let's share our wealth of knowledge. The results may mean a better night's sleep and more dreams. I know I've had a paucity of good lucid precogs lately. I am not sure why. I am willing to explore all possibilities and then BE the solution.

For a start-->

Cheers and happy dreaming!
For me, these are factors in how easily I fall asleep/stay asleep or my quality of sleep:

*Playing intense games in the evening before bed will guarantee it takes a while for me to shift to sleep mode.
*Reading a book. If I'm into a book, it takes me a while to get back out of the book. Plus, I have a tendency to read straight through, no matter how late it gets.
*Whether or not the spouse is sleeping well. He uses a CPAP but if the mask has slipped, he jerks around as if he as all over restless leg syndrome. As a result, I experience sleep apnea by proxy, as one sleep doc called it.
*If I get awakened frequently by a restless cat yowling around the house.
*If I get cold, especially my feet. Once my feet are cold, that's it, I'm cold all over.
*Leg cramps. Those don't happen often, but when they do, it means I'm yanked out of a deep sleep.

One that won't be on any research list but is true for me and I suspect for many others: What's going on with the energy. I'm very aware of energy shifts and movements, such as when solar flares are occurring. My whole body starts to hum with energy. I'm used to it and really don't notice it unless I'm thinking about it(like right now) but sometimes, the hum is more like razor blades down the spine. Very uncomfortable. When it gets like that, my whole body tenses up and I have to work to release the tension enough so I can sleep. Even then, my sleep will be light and easily disrupted. Sometimes, when energy is moving through me faster than I can handle, I'll get cold-I've been ice cold in an 80 degree room and no amount of blankets on the bed will help me get warm-and I have to increase my personal defenses(shielding) before I can get warm again.

Some of these are manageable, like don't play intense video games before bedtime. Some are out of my control, like yowling cats and restless spouse. Others, well, I learn how to deal with them as I go along.
My husband has an exceptionally warm body temp as well. He'll be sleeping with just the sheet and the bedspread while I'm piled with blankets. We have a king-sized bed but when he gets to twitching, sometimes he thrashes. Doesn't wake him but it wakes me. I have to wake him up to tell him to adjust his mask.

I like the idea of smudging before bed and I would also add maybe smudge the bed, too. Hmmm...I'm starting to see a new nighttime ritual taking shape. Thanks for the idea!


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