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Botruns? Dreams? for *2* Elite planes crashing today~ OMEN??
Y'all sure today's date isn't 6/6/16?! Sheesh, hope to start perusing botruns for this. (Personally, I do believe in omens.)

Today one of our wonderful, Blue Angels pilots is dead, having crashed in Tennessee AND today one of Thunderbird planes of our Air Force crashed but thankfully this pilot ejected.

Weird...666...has been showing up the past 24 hours around here...not personally connected to myself...than I see you referance it had to mention it. Feels a warning
Maysea, I missed the other references to it here so thank you for bringing it to my attention. I'm gonna check it out after dinner.

Yeah, bible talking of 666 sure does bring it to many folks' attention, even Monday's date of 6/6/16 plus Monday's near the new moon...ooohhh, lol being silly now.

Seriously, I believe in signs from God/omens and what are the ods of two of our signature, treasured national fighter planes crashing the very same day?!

Hope all's well with you. Wonder what you'll dream tonight. I look forward to following them. I appreciate all of the members here for what is presented, and more.

Yes, likewise here...personally I've been about you? My dreams have been a mish mash lately and no recall? Waking more tired than when I fall asleep...and the level of physical pain is nearly unbearable?
I sure hope the pain goes away and you feel much better very soon. Everything takes effort with Chronic fatigue. I've lived with it for years. Am going to figure it out, yet. I think it's my adrenals. I suspect adrenal fatigue which I likely caused with the phamaceutical amphetamine that I took in the seventies, losing way-over a hundred pounds.

Then, once off of them I drank caffeine all day for a couple of decades. My research suggests that we use-up our cortisol, and if that isn't it, it's that we damage our adrenals' ability to make cortisol. I have low, not high blood pressure.

I don't have much pain except from lifting weights for years and got sloppy the last decade. My rotator cuffs talk to me and keep me humble but thank God the aren't so bad that I can't defend myself successfully.

Today I am fine except for a bad night's sleep. Am counting my blessings, and in a great mood. Tons wrong in the nation and world but not letting anything get to me. (Had a ton of practice at this with my inlaws.) Yes! me too, on the not remembering most of my dreams. I wrote about it here just today,

That link is one where a few of us here have discussed this issue in detail of how to remember our dreams, or more of them.

I'm gonna have you in my prayers and good wishes. Please know my welcome mat is always out, as is my Private message welcome mat.

Bless you sincerely~
Thankyou...this is a beautiful healing space...thankyou Eagle1 again for the NDC...Peace
Big dittos on your thanks to the boss/owner Eagle1. His dime, his time and he's enabling many blessings here. Very patient and helpful person, too.

PS, Maysea....your profile picture! It is precious, awesome and just how we should desire to be. We should be without guile like a child, carefree and trusting (of God, IMO) and therefore able to face a beast just as in the pic.

However, that's my opinion of it. I would enjoy hearing what your chosen pic means to you, but only if you feel fine sharing about it. Always, total respect anytime you wish to ignore any question. Literally.

****Ohhkay, make that two very special planes from two branches of our military, AND several deaths from an army vehicle that flooded in the Ft. Hood area! Sheesh.....and I believe in omens as warnings. Three branches of our military today....ominous IMO.
Exactly what you said, without guile like a child, carefree and trusting of God and therefore able to face a beast...perfect love casts out all fear...and these three remain, faith, hope, and love, and the greatest of these is love.
Thanks and am so glad this is your response. Oh, the kindred spirits that this website is bringing forward. The greatest of these is Love. Love is patient and longsuffering. Oh, how this dang world tests us increasingly at this time.

I've been looking for my inner-child for a long time. She was kidnapped but not literally. Evil tempted her and then ran with her like hell. No, LOL am not nuts for talking about myself in the third person. I am seeing glimpses of her lately.

I see what to do and yet fail to do it at times. I do what I should, speaking up when it's not easy and yep, speak wrongly but I know that to be courageous will dictate that it's done wrong at times, but better than not growing at all in this way.

Oh Nanny! You are not alone in Probably, most of us can relate, I know I do. How could we possibly have gained wisdom and understanding if we had been kept in a bubble? We are not humans beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience. Here we have lost memory of whence we came quite necessarily. To error is human, to forgive is Divine...peace
Maysea, you are right of course. Thank you again!
You are a soul with a light that's shining. The words you just said were like a hug from above.

On keeping this thread true to its subject and yet we can discuss more of what we are now...

Did you notice that news is out about our Army right here at home, and deaths today in a military vehicle of them, too?! This is 3 branches of our military all in one day! An army vehicle in the vicinity of Ft. Hood, TX somehow got hit by flood waters and at least 3 of our troops died.
Yes, in keeping this thread true to its really does seem like signs or omens. My heart gos out to the families. It really does seem strange...I first thought it was error having to cross check the stories...what are the odds?
Report corrects what I typed yesterday.

*5* soldiers dead and 4 missing here in Texas! Good grief, and 1 Blue Angel pilot dead. The Thunderbird pilot ejected. Hope to hear how he is doing.
God be with the families and wondering if, God-forbid we are aquainted with any of the soldiers.

All in one day..........never dreamed anything like this would happen. The ods of it......ya know.

Editing this in, speaking of "ods..." the Thunderbird pilot was from Plane Number *6.* Guess the comment about was the date 6/6/16 wasn't silly.
The last Thunderbird crash was in 2003 and the Blue Angels jet crashed yesterday around 3PM. Some would say, "there's another 6."

Good news the pilot that ejected has "minimal injuries" reportedly is fine.
I'm hearing both planes #6? If true, adding the last Thunderbird crash in 2003 with Blue Angels crash time at around 3 pm...the 3's...another 6...or this year2016, a 6...? Just wondering, why two planes, same day
, both # 6, again, what are the odds?
Also, watching about the tragic accident in Texas for a 6...
Amazing...a military man has  been forbidden from giving breakfast prayer, siting hes a Christian, hates muslims, blah, blah, blah...the morning of the prayer forbidden, 06-06-2016?
Maysea, really?! it may be that the Blue Angel that went down was plane 6?! Oh man, I gotta get updated!

Yeah, the ods of a Blue Angel and Thunderbird going down same day must be astronomic. Things are so often now what they seem.

Yeah, if we get a "6" for our Army it'll mean one of the missing was found and not alive. This really is freaky.

Ah, a new report? of prayer, well Christian prayer being censored in our military? Is this a very recent event?
It is getting really bad in our forces.

A couple of years ago a report/claim came on radio news that someone in the pentagon was quoted as saying that if "Christians" proselytized while in uniform that they were going to be court-martialed. Then, another person was quoted saying no, that was nuts and that they'd never single-out just Christians.
Evidence that it's being discussed because of the public debate about it, then was hushed.

I had never worn christian tshirts but that PO'ed me so well that I thought, "Oh, no ya don't. Not on MY watch" and I bought several tshirts that had crosses and the name of Jesus on them, quite modern ones exist these days, and I started wearing them when I was on any military base. Editing this forgotten tidbit. I found some dogtags online that had a cross cut out of one tag, and it could fit in or come outside of it as I moved, so ordered and started wearing it, too.
Furthermore, I phoned a Christian radio station and told folks what I was doing, inviting others to join me.

YES******** it is true, what ARE the dang ods?! The deceased Blue Angel Pilot was flying plane # 6, confirmed in this report.

Maysea, just confirmed that *9* are dead in Ft. Hood, and that there were 12 total on the truck, with the 3 in the cab surviving.

Yikes...just gave me goosebumps and the chills...somethings up
Evil is not going to in 'the war' but God sure is letting them win some battles.
I'll check the Lunar Calendar in a moment to make sure this is correct, but I've got high confidence level that this coming Sunday night is the exact New Moon, and at midnight the date turns to 6/6/16. New Moon is the darkest part of the month and rumors are that the dark side of the Force will be having services, celebrations or whatever the heck they call their irreverent activities.
Yes, this is Riley prayer breakfast 6 6 2016, called off because retired 36 year army 3 star General William Jerry Boykin was set to speak...and he's Christian...I hear he is demanding a explanation/apology from current General...
Ooohh, thank you! I have heard many wonderful things about Gen. Boykin.

Coincidence? Christian prayer breakfast cancelled on 6/6/16.
Yeah...all coincidences? I know this is alittle off topic but somehow feels relevant?

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