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Brazier, 6.27.16, pm.
This afternoon I am sitting at my desk thinking about my mouth still hurting from the dental work I had done last week. I closed my eyes for a few seconds and saw what I think is called a brazier. It was about 5' tall, covered in thin gold sheeting and a fire was burning in the top. There is a very light smell of incense. I inhaled, exhaled and thought, everything is going to be all right.

My next thought was to check my phone, which I rarely do at work. I had a call and it was from the eye doctors office. I had been thinking about this appointment I had for tomorrow (Tuesday) and wondering if I should cancel it and wait till my mouth healed up more. When I called them back, they were calling to ask if I would mind changing my appointment to Thursday.  I said, yes of course.   Smile  

Now I am wondering what does the vision of an ancient gold covered brazier have to do with my eye appointment being changed to a later date. I do hope one day to have all the answers to so many questions.

Oh, and as I plugged in to Pandora, the first song to come on, "It's All Right".

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A little update: Today while sitting at my desk, I closed my eyes and thought about what I saw. This time a smile came to my face and Spirit. I think when I get home I'll try a little meditation to see more.
Last night I tried to meditate on the brazier I saw. When I brought it to mind, it would quickly fade. I was struggling to keep it as I saw it the other day.  Then I tried to focus in on what was behind the brazier, maybe on a wall.  I saw a painting of a line of chariots with men holding bows that are drawn like they are in battle or on parade.  That quickly faded and I asked to see more. I was told no and the brazier started to fade again. I said yes, I want to see more and it came back into my view. I asked again to see more and was told no.

I insisted and the brazier came into full view like I was there physically. Something to my right caught my attention. I move to an open doorway that leads to the outside. I see a boy who looks to be about 12 playing around a column that is close to where I am standing. He is laughing and hiding from someone on the other side of the column. It looks like they are playing hide and seek or catch me if you can. He is absolutely beautiful with a joyful, happy, strong Spirit.  I suddenly get an overwhelming sense of being separated from him for too long. I look at him with a sense of longing and start to cry from a deep place in my soul.

Afterthoughts: When the vision ended I realized why I was told no when I asked to see more.
I attached a picture of similar clothing that he was wearing. The picture shows a collar and upper arm bands and he was not wearing those. The head covering, wrist bands and skirt were similar to what he was wearing.

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Julie, I am not sure what exactly you ended up realizing. Are you able to share the thought or is it something more private. ( You might have implied it but I don't know for sure).
I am wondering if this is related to our children memes and Edna's dream.
Hey TB - Once I re-read what I wrote, I see that I did not say what I realized. The reason I was being told no was because the Holy Spirit knew how I would react to seeing the boy. I suppose I was being told no to spare me from the intense emotions I felt. Even though I don't believe in re-incarnation, there is some connection with myself and the boy I saw. I just don't know what that connection is. With the perfect peace I felt there came the thought that this is the past and I could not stay.

(06-29-2016, 01:16 PM)twiceblessed9 Wrote: Julie, I am not sure what exactly you ended up realizing.  Are you able to share  the thought or is it something more private.  ( You might have implied it but I don't know for sure).
I am wondering if this is related to our children memes and Edna's dream.
Thank you for sharing Julie. What a powerful message you received.
And so the story continues with Egyptian visions. Yesterday, I was praying about the violence on the earth right now and of course asking for an end to it all. I was also praying for Law enforcement everywhere.

Then I see a picture or statue of an smiling Egyptian woman and I also see a statue of Akhenaten. Later in the day I am attempting to meditate and the first words I say are, "Horus, my love". I immediately stopped meditating because this is starting to bother me, all these visions of Egyptian people from the past.

So what does seeing these people have to do with the prayers I'm saying? The only thing that comes to mind is One World Religion. Being the Jesus Follower that I am, of course my thinking has a tendency to run along the lines of Revelations from the Bible. So is all this violence a precursor to a one world religion? The answer I keep getting is yes.
Akhenaten brought about single deity religion, with the worship of Ra, the sun god.

Horus, the God of the sky, was the son of Osiris and Isis, and is one of the Egyptian pantheon, which changed over time.

When Tutankhamen took the throne upon his father's death, he brought back the pantheon of gods to re-unite the people.

I guess I'm not sure how One World Religion fits here, could you explain your insights into this? (I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm just not seeing it, which is a failing on my part).
GG - Akhenaten faith was so strong that he wanted the world to worship one god, not only Egypt. That must be where I was picking up on "one world religion". And as for where does Horus fit in here? The woman I saw would call a man she loved by that name. She must have been a queen of one of the Pharaoh's. I am picking this info up from the past, not from anything I have read now.
I've decided to stop trying to understand why I am seeing ancient Egypt and just report what I'm seeing. This evening I get in my tub and think I will lay back for a few minutes so the hot water can relax me. The only thing on my mind is looking forward to the chicken salad I made for supper.

As soon as I lay my head back on the tub rim and close my eyes I see a life size statue of Anubis complete with gold finery. The gold arm bands catch my eye because they are so polished they are almost reflective like a mirror. He is holding something in his left hand that is gold and looks like a very skinny walking staff. He is holding something in his right hand but I can't make out what it is.

Then I see movement of people behind the statue. All I can see is the clothing made of a white material that is thin and cool looking. I catch a glimpse of the right arm of one person and see a gold wrist band. Everything is quiet and no one is talking. Feels like this is a temple and people are going about their daily routine doing whatever it is they do.

Afterthoughts: These people sure do love their shinny gold.
We had Moses and Staff the other day. Not that they are connected but interesting.
TB - was that in the Bot run?

(07-25-2016, 11:21 PM)twiceblessed9 Wrote: We had Moses and Staff the other day.  Not that they are connected but interesting.
It was stick not staff, I just thought of it as staff.
Thanks TB. I need to learn how to search here.
Julie - was the skinny walking stick maybe a scepter?

No GG, it was more like this.

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